Widowmaker x Reader Extended Ending

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I feel an explosion and debris hit my body without much thought I pull Amélie closer to my body. My eyes open as I look around but see I'm not dead. I look down and see Amélie still holding me as her eyes slowly open. I look up and see Sigma and Sombra in the room. Sombra looks at me before giving me a big smile.

"Hola cabrones!"

"Sombra! What have we said about calling people insults!"

"Sigma baby, these out are best friends! We can do insult humor with them."

"I know but-"

"What the fuck is going on and how are we still alive?"

Sigma smiles at me before he uses his gravity pull to pick us up. I adjust Amélie so I'm holding her in my arms as we're carried out. The front doors make this whole place look so normal.

"Oh well allow me to explain. Sombra and I stayed behind when we saw neither of you were on the drop ship. Sombra was able to hack all the locks and I broke the doors, we found you two holding each other as the bomb was ticking away. So naturally I grabbed it with my gravitational pull and put it in a black hole were it exploded but on a very smaller scale so we're left alive. I think the explosion woke you up."

We're on the roof as Sombra has all her screens up. I can clearly see she's getting a call from Reaper but she isn't answering it. I can't wait to get yelled at by my superiors.

"Honestly didn't know how you guys got trapped until I hacked into they security system. It's almost as if they planned for someone to get left behind."

I sigh as sigma gently puts me down. I stand up and hold Amélie in bridal style. She hasn't said anything this whole time.

"We didn't die."

It sounds more like a question then fact.

"Yup. We're all going to get in major trouble for being stragglers but we're not going to die today. I say we should celebrate."

Sombra had a huge grin as she closed her holopads, letting sigma lift her up to lean over his shoulder.

"Dear don't you think that would be a bit, redundant? We already have a celebration planned for finishing this mission, I don't see why we would have a another celebration for surviving."

Sombra pokes sigmas arm before she goes off on another weird rant.

"Come on abuelo, let's live a little. Hmm I was thinking we put on disguises and go to the movies, then we go back to base and get hammered. Would be better then just going to base and getting yelled before getting drunk."

As they talked I look back at Amélie, she looks small in my arms. Finally noticing I realize my grip is hard on her, holding her so close to my body I swear it wasn't comfortable for her.

"So what do we do now?"

"About what? We're going back to Talon, they're going to rip us a new one for staying behind, then I'm getting drunk."

Amélie nods her head before I put her down. She stands next to me

"Did you mean what you said? That you still loved me?"

I don't answer her as I take out my flask. A few seconds after I drink some I offer the rest to her.

"I wanted to die with no more regrets in life, and loving you wasn't one."

She gives me a smile as I gently take her hand as we wait for help to arrive.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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