Mercy x Demon Reader

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Requested by @noideafor and to clarify you're not just any demon, you're the king of hell. FYI this is before the fall of Overwatch but before Tracer gets her chronal accelerator.

~Angela POV~

I look at the 'magical book' as I put my witches hat on. The lady selling me this book was very sweet but cautioned me not to say anything out loud from page 47-52. I remember her giving me a stern look as her cat came into the room almost as is it was agreeing with her. She said there is an entity being held within those pages and that no matter what, he had to stay. She was just being weird because it's the Halloween season, but why do I have a feeling she was being serious?

"Angela! Are you almost ready?"

"Just a minute Jack!"

I strap the book onto my side and quickly make my way to the party. I hear laughter and watch as everyone is getting ready to play games.

"Well look who finally finished her costume. Since you're the last one here then you'll go first."

"Alright, alright. What game are we playing?"

"Truth or dare."

"Ok I choose dare."

Reinhardt looks very lost in thought as he brings to chose my dare. I sit down next to Ana as she offers me some punch. I'm barely able to take a sip when Reinhardt suddenly snaps his fingers.

"I dare you to let Gabriel read the first line his finger lands on in your book."

I giggle as I unstrap the book from my side and pass it to Gabe. I see him randomly flip through the pages and put his finger on the top of the page.

"Ad ligadum os priter eos cram me? What the hell does that mean?"

"I think you said it wrong."

I take the book from Gabe and see he has said it wrong.

"Yeah it actually says, Ad ligandum eos pariter eos coram me."

"How do you know Latin?"

"I was just trying to take a language class and Latin seemed so fun to learn."

I take a sip from my punch as a black cloud appeared from the book. I almost choke on my drink as I see the cloud materialize into a man. I see his (h/c) hair cover his eyes as a fanged smile spread across his face. Jack gets his pulse rifle, Gabe grabs his shotguns, Ana her sleep darts, I grab my staff, Torbjörn begins to make a mini turret, and Reinhardt gets his shield and hammer.

"Who's the mortal who freed me from the book?"

"Who the fuck are you?"

Jack was pissed as he walked in front of us all, his commanding officer instincts kicking in. The man looks at us all before holding up his right hand. All our weapons were thrown across the room, he gives us a playful smile before asking again.

"Who's the mortal who freed me, the King of Hell! The damned of the damned, from that cursed book?"

This time his voice was booming and the smoke was beginning to come closer to us, past Reinhardt's shield. Quickly I rush to the front as I hold up the book.

"I did! Please don't hurt my friends! I beg of you."

The man gives me shocked expression as he calmly walks towards me. I close my eyes expecting pain until I feel a soft and warm embrace all over my body. I open my eyes and see the man has gorgeous (e/c) eyes with a red tint around them. His smile is sweet as he kisses the back of my hand.

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