Zarya x Reader

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This was requested by @Sombra4Life in this you're a healer and you're small compared to any tank.

~(y/n) POV~
I was listening to Wilhelm or Reinhardt tell me about the honor of the crusaders and how he was before joining Overwatch. I was about to ask him about his leader or whoever it was until Zarya runs into the kitchen.

"Reinhardt! I challenge you to an arm wrestling contest!"

"If you wish to lose then I accept your challenge! (Y/n) would you like to watch?"

"Sure, but I challenge the winner."

"Haha if that is how it is then how about you and Zarya wrestle."

"Ok sure."

"Really? You want me go against the small healer? Fine. Don't worry (y/n), I'll go easy on you."

I don't say anything to her as she takes a seat in front of me. Wilhelm leaves but comes back with Lucio, Hana, Tracer, and Angela. All of them who look confused except Lena.

"Wilhelm, why is (y/n) going against Zarya? Won't he get hurt?"

"Trust me. This will be good."

"So (y/n) if you truly believe that you can beat me then let's make a bet. When I win for the next five battles you only heal me."

"Sure but I'll tell you what I want after I win."

She scoffs at me but doesn't push me for answers. I put my right hand on the counter as she holds my hand. Her hand is almost twice the size of my hand.

"(Y/n) you should really stop this dude. I can't handle healing an entire team by myself again."

"Hey (y/n). Don't hurt Zarya too much."

"Heh, I'll try."

Hana started to record us on her phone as Wilhelm says the count down.

"3, 2, and...1"

Before she could understand what's happening I launch her hand down making a small indent in the countertop. She stares at her hand then at me with confusion that quickly turns to anger.

"I wasn't ready. This time I will beat you (y/n) and no holding back."

"Soo best two out of three?"

She grabs my hand again as we start without a count down. I slowly start pushing her hand down as she growls. Looking at the audience, all of them have open mouthed shocked expressions but Wilhelm and Lena were trying not to laugh.

"Hey Zarya you don't look so good. You wanna head to my healing office when this is over?"

"Shut it. I will break you if you keep on talking."

"Okie dokie."

I stare at her with a board expression as she try's to move my arm. Suddenly Mcree enters the kitchen and stands next to me.

"Well what do we have here? Zarya why would you challenge (y/n)? And (y/n) you should know not to hurt our tanks when we have a big mission coming up."

"заткнись ковбой, иначе."

"Whatever Zarya but next time you challenge someone make sure you get someone who isn't this strong."

She growls at him as He laughs and walks off. I look at Zarya's arm to see her veins are threatening to show. I smile at her as she starts turning red.

"You know Zarya, you shouldn't be hurting yourself over this."

"как вы так сильны?"

"Welp when your healer it feels like you have five hyperactive children powered by pure caffeine so I need to help myself instead of just healing that offense who yells I need healing forty times in 5 minutes. Also I train everyday and I have a high pain tolerance so I push myself harder than I probably should. To be honest I can lift up the payload with Wilhelm and Mako sitting on top of it."

She stops trying to move my hand as she lets go of me. Questionably I look at her as she dryly chuckles at me.

"You beat me. Now what is it you wanted for our bet?"

"Well I was uh wondering if youwouldgoonadatewithmeorifyouwantedtojusthangout."


"I uh wanted to go on a date with you or if you want, to just hang out."

She looks away as a light blush creeps upon her face. She motions for me to follow her as she leads me to the living room. She sits down and pulls me into her lap.

"So what do you want to watch?"

"How about (favorite movie)?"

She nods her head and puts it on. She doesn't look at me but slowly she inches her hand closer to mine. Chuckling I grab her hand and start to rub my thumb over the back of it.

"S-so (y/n). How is it that you are very strong?"

"I was an experiment many years ago. That's why I have super strength and I can talk to animals. Weird powers I know but I wasn't the final experiment just a guinea pig that somehow lived."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's fine. I'm just surprised you accepted my bet. I thought you would've laughed at me."

"Well I just wanted to show you how I felt because I-I..."

"You what Zarya?"


She yells but her blush turns from pink to dark crimson when I cup her face.

"I love you Zarya. You're perfect to me in every way."

We both hesitate but we slowly start to lean in. Our lips brush up against each other before someone barges in. I pull away from her to see Wilhelm laughing along side Mercy.

"What did I tell you doctor? Aren't they perfect for each other?"

"They are cute together but let's give them some privacy now."

Zarya glared at the door as I laugh. I kiss her cheek as we both cuddle closer together on the couch.

Hello and sorry if this seems rushed or anything. But I hope you enjoyed the story and next up will be a Sombra x Reader. Bye and have a good night/day/afternoon.
~nightmare out

Overwatch characters x male reader Where stories live. Discover now