7 - I am Always Here

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I sat down as I felt almost unable to process this. After perhaps an hour of being frozen in my grandmothers chair I could hear the front door open. 

Grandma had come home and she called out my name. I didn't respond though. I could hear from her movements that she was walking through the house, probably searching for me, and eventually she entered her study.

    'Y/n everything okay? What happened here?' her eyes scanned the room, then my face and then she saw the papers in my hand. 

   'Oh' she sighed deeply with a sad face. 

     'Come sit with me on the couch in the living room, I guess this conversation will be held earlier then I planned' 

I gazed at her, it weren't the words I expected to hear. On the other hand I wasn't sure what I did expect to hear. 

I followed her to the living room and that's when she explained the entire story. How she used to be a nurse in the hospital and one night a baby was left outside the entrance, she was the one that heard me crying and decided to take me inside. 

She took me home after discussing the situation and options with the officials. Eventually, she decided to adopt me and raise me as her family. 

It was hard to comprehend for me, I thought my parents had died in a car crash when I was only a few months old. My mother was her daughter so as her family she took me in. That was what she first told me when I asked about them. But now I found out she wasn't even the mother of one of my parents. She was just a nurse in a hospital. 

As soon as Grandma was done with her story I went to my room and pulled the blanket over me. In a way I wished I hadn't found those adoption papers at all. 

The following morning I arrived in school looking like a proper zombie. I couldn't sleep all night and I was too occupied mentally by grandma's story. I hadn't taken the time to do my hair nor my makeup and I wore a black oversized hoodie. 

   'Y/n, is everything okay?' Jimin asked and I fake smiled at him

     'Yes I'm just great, how was your weekend away?' I answered pretty sarcastically. 

He seemed doubtful at first but then answered happily anyways, he said something about visiting family and friends. I half listened to his story though. 

During the break time I walked towards the toilet when someone stopped me by blocking my way. 

   'Everything okay y/n?' this time it was Taehyung who asked me. 

and similarly I put on a fake smile 'yes I'm great'. 

Taehyung shrugged   'yeah I don't buy that, what happened?' 

There was this certain worry in his voice and it confused me. 

    'It's just..'

I was contemplating about telling him something about it, not necessarily everything but just.... 

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