Chapter 11

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Hi guys! Here is the next chapter! Enjoy!

Fitz's POV

"Well well well. Look at what we have here." someone said. I let go of Sophie and turn my head around. I gasped at what I saw. Vallin. What did he want? I thought. "What do you want?" I asked.

"Oh, I just wanted to see my girlfriend. Is that a problem?" he said.

"Yes, it is. It is a very big problem. First, she is not your girlfriend anymore. Second, you hurt her. And third, she does not want to see you." I retorted.

"And how do you know she does not want to see me?"

"I do know. You would understand if you knew Sophie. But you do not. You treated her terribly! You cheated on her. So you can kindly go away and leave us alone." I said.

"No I do not think I will," he said.

"Go away, Vallin!" Sophie said.

"Babe come on come with me. I am sorry for doing that to you" Vallin said.

"No, you are not sorry! Go away." Sophie said.

"Well, I guess we are going to have to do it the hard way," Vallin said.

Vallin jumped at me and Sophie. He took out a melder (is that how you spell it?) and shot me with it. I fell to the ground. I was not able to move. I needed to go and help Sophie.

"Ahhh!!" I heard someone scream. I recognized the voice. Sophie. I turned my eyes to see what was happening. Vallin was on top of Sophie. Trying to take off her clothes.

"I have a thinking cap on. You will not be able to inflict on me." Vallin said.

I had to help Sophie before he did something terrible to her. I tried to break free of the melder. I remembered something I learned in class. It was teaching us how to break free of the melder. (idk if that even exists but we will go with it) I broke free of the melder. I run and push Sophie off of Vallin.

"I will come back!" Vallin screamed and ran away.

I turn to see Sophie crying. She had her legs on the bench and her head in between her knees. Luckily she still had her clothes on. Vallin must have not had the time. I go over to her and sit beside her. I put my hand on her back and slowly started rubbing circles on her back. While my other hand pulled her in for a hug. I let her cry on my shoulder.

"It is ok Sophie. He is gone." I say trying to calm her.

"No, it is not ok. He said he will come back for more. He will never stop." she said.

I did not know what to do. She was really scared and hurt. I wanted to stay with her every night to make sure Vallin does not come back. But I also did not want to make Sophie feel uncomfortable.

"How about you stay with Biana for a few days. She can sleep with you in your room as a sleepover every day. That way if he comes back you will have a friend that can help you" I told her.

"Sure," she said softly.

"Do you want me to tell her the reason or do you want me to just keep it between us?" I asked her.

"You can tell her. As long as she does not tell anyone else. I do not want the others to know what happened."

"Ok. I will hail her. Also if you need me or just want to cry and need help just hail me."

"Really?! You would do that for me?" she asked surprised.

"Of course I would do that! You are my friend. And you are going through a hard time. You need help and a friend"

"Thank you Fitz"

"Your welcome!"

Sophie lifted her head from my shoulder to look at me. I really wanted to kiss her right then but I knew that it was not the time. Instead, I leaned down and kissed her forehead. I rested my head on top of hers. She had her head in between my neck and shoulder. We stayed like that for a long time. It felt like hours but I knew it was probably only a few minutes. I wanted to stay like that forever.

We stayed like that for a while longer. I pulled back. When I did I noticed that Sophie went to sleep. I smiled. I was happy. I carried her bridal style and went to her bedroom. When I arrived I put her on the bed and hailed Biana to let her know what happened. Biana was mad at Vallin. But she was more than happy to stay with Sophie. I tucked Sophie in bed. I then kissed her cheek.

"Goodnight Sophie," I said.

I heard a small knock on the door. I let Biana come in. While Biana got ready I sat beside Sophie on the bed. I watched her sleep. She was so cute in her sleep. When Biana came out I kissed her forehead quickly and then left the room.

That is the end of the chapter! I tried to not leave you guys on a devastating cliffhanger. I will try to post the next chapter really soon. Also, does anyone know how to do coding? In my class, we are doing coding. It is really fun. I made a KOTLC quiz. If you want to check it out just tell me and I will tell you my account name. We do coding on scratch. I really hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter! Again I will try to post the next chapter soon. Also please vote for this story!

P.S. This chapter had 861 words without this of course!

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