Chapter 13

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Hey guys! I am so sorry for the extremely late update. I had a break from school for 2 weeks. I was going to write but then I found a bunch of good books so I got carried away with reading. Then my relative came for a sleepover for 1 week. It kind of took a lot of my time. But I eventually finished the chapter. I also made some Mallowmelt, Mallowmelt cookies, Butter-Toffee Ripplefluffs and Cinacream. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

Sophie's POV

I was tired. It has been three days since I was kidnapped. I was left in a cell with no light. There was not even a window. I was starving. I never got food or water. I never even got to know who kidnapped me. All I wanted was to have some fun with my friends and what do I get? The complete opposite.

"Well well well. It seems that now is the time!" I heard someone say. I looked around but I could not see anything.

Fitz's POV

The second the lights turned off I was worried. After about a minute it turned back on. I sighed in relief. But then I realized that Sophie was gone.

"Guy's where did Sophie go?" I ask worriedly.

"She might have left," Linh suggested.

"Yeah. Maybe she went to her room. There is no reason to worry." Biana said.

"Yeah, dude. Listen to your sister. Thought Biana you are starting to sound like your father." Keefe said.

"Shut up!" Biana shouted in his face.

I could not help but worry. I mean why did she leave so suddenly? And not even say a word about it. It was really weird.

It has been 3 days since that conversation. And I still did not see Sophie. No one seemed worried about it. And that was the strange thing. Biana was supposed to be with Sophie in her room. How did she not worry? Did she Sophie? If so then why does she not come to school? I decided to interrogate Biana.

I went to Biana's dorm. When I went in she was all alone.

"Hey, Fitz what are you doing here?" Biana asked. 

"What happened to Sophie. She never went to school since that day. I need to know. You are supposed to be with her in her dorm so you should know." I replied.

"To be honest with you. I really do not know. At first, on that day I thought she went to the dorm. But when I did not find her there I had a bad feeling. I am trying to find her. The reason I did not tell you guys was because I did not want you guys to worry too much about it. Especially you." She answered.

"So someone kidnapped her?" I asked.

"I did not say that. But there is a possibility. I first thought is Vallin. He is literally crazy over her. I might have turned off the lights that day and made his move. I really do not know. At the same time, it could not be kidnapping and she just ran away for reasons." She said.

"No. Sophie won't just run away like that. Something clearly happened and I need to know what it is." I said angrily.

I loved Sophie SO much. I needed to know what happened to her and especially if it involved Vallin. He is crazy. And it does not even make sense. He is the one that cheated on her. So the fact that he wants her back does not make a single bit of sense. I was going to find Sophie no matter what.

Sophie's POV

"Well well well. It seems that now is the time!" I heard someone say. I looked around but I could not see anything. 

"Who are you?" I asked

"Oh how sad. You can not even recognize me. You really hurt me, Soph." The voice replied.

"How on earth am I supposed to recognize you when I can not even see you!" I scream. What the hell was he talking about. I mean the only thing I know is that it is a man's voice. Other than that I know nothing.

"Oh well." the voice said. He phased out of the wall.

"Vallin?" I asked.

"Oh yes. It is me. Now let's get started." 

So here is the end of the chapter! I know it is a short chapter and I took a long time to finish this. But I am really busy. I will continue with the regular posting schedule. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! 

P.S. I want to start reading the Percy Jackson series. But I heard that there is different series of it or something like that. So I wanted to ask with one should I read? 

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