Chapter 10

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Ok here is the next chapter. I tried to finish it as fast as I could. Anyways, enjoy!

Fitz's POV

I span the bottle. I really wanted it to land on Sophie. The bottle span and span. Until it landed on........Linh. I was so mad. I wanted it to be Sophie. I did not want to kiss Linh. I looked up to see that Linh had a smile on her face. Linh walked up to me and sat beside me. We leaned in to kiss. Our lips touched. It tasted horrible. There were no sparks. Linh wrapped her arms around my neck and started kissing me harder. I pushed her away and ran outside. I started crying. What if Sophie got the wrong idea? I thought. The only person I wanted to be with was Sophie. I ran farther and farther. Until I arrived at a garden. It had a single bench with trees around. (Call's tree but more than one) I sat down on the bench and started crying harder.

It passed for about 15 minutes. All I wanted to do was cry.

"Fitz are you alright?" I heard a gentle and soft voice ask.

Sophie's POV

Right after Fitz ran away Linh started crying. "I told you to not do anything stupid and what do you do? You wrap your arms around him. He clearly only sees you as a friend, not something more." Tam said.

"I just wanted to see," Linh said.

"Well, there you have it," Tam replied.

"It looks like bangs boy is mad at his sister. Did that ever happen?" Keefe said.

"Would you shut up Keefe?" Tam replied.

"Nope!" Keefe said.

Keefe was about to say something else when Biana interrupted him.

"Okay, Keefe stop. We all have to calm down." Biana said.

But nobody listened. They all just kept on fighting. I stayed out of the fight. I was worried about Fitz. He seemed so upset when he ran away. I decided to go and look for him. I went outside. This place is too big to look for him. I thought. I started to track down his thoughts. When I found him I walked there.

I saw him sitting on a bench crying. It hurt my heart to see him cry. He always helped me when I was down. "Fitz are you alright?" I say.

Fitz's POV

I turned around to see Sophie looking at me. She had worry in her eyes. My heart fluttered. She came to see if I was okay.

"Yah I am alright," I say.

"No, you are not. You can tell me you know? I only want to help"

My eyes started to water again. Sophie came and sat beside me. She put her hands on top of mine.

"It is ok Fitz," she said. Her voice was always soft and calming. She would literally be an amazing girlfriend. I still did not understand why Vallin cheated on her. He was so lucky to have a girl like Sophie at his side.

I wrapped Sophie in a hug. All I wanted to do was to stay close to her. To stay close to my adorable crush. I could tell she seemed surprised. I was worried that I might have ruined something. But then she wrapped her arms around me. And rested her head on my shoulder. I cried. But I was happy to have her by my side. After a few minutes, I stopped crying.

"So what happened when I left?" I asked.

"Well to be honest a lot of things happened but in short, there is a huge fight," she replied.

"Oh ok," I say. I knew that I should let go of Sophie now but I could not. Holding her like this was amazing.

"So are you alright now?" she asked.

"Yah I am. Thank you for coming to find me and helping me."

"You really do not have to thank me. You always helped me out when I was having a hard time and now it is my turn to help you out."

"Well still. Keefe is my best friend and he did not come to see me nor any of my friends. Even my sister Biana did not come and check on me but you did. So you deserve to be thanked."

"Well well well. Look at what we have here." someone said.

And that is the end of the chapter. I am so evil. I am really sorry for those who thought that the bottle will land on Sophie. But I tried to make as much of a sophitz moment as possible. I will try to post the next chapter today or tomorrow. I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter see you guys next time! Bye! And remember to stay safe. 

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