Chapter 5

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Fitz's POV

"Sophie?" I say.

She turns her head around. I see tears running down her beautiful face. Whoever made her cry was going to pay!

"Fitz? What are you doing here?" She says while wiping her tears. 

"I was just walking around and then I found you here. Are you all alright? Why are you crying?"I  ask anxiously. Her eyes were puffy and red and they had dark shadows beneath her eyes. 

"I am not crying. I just got splash with water from the waterfall. That is all."

"Stop lying. Your eyes show it all. It is very clear that you were crying. What happened? Please tell me. You can trust me I won't tell anybody. And I won't judge. I just want to make sure you are all alright." I say while scouting on the bench with her. I wrapped my hands around her shoulders and tilted her chin up. I looked straight into her eyes so she knows that I am serious. But when our eyes made contact I could not focus. Her eyes were just so beautiful. They had gold flecks with a little silver. Then I realized that it was not silver but it was tears.  She put her head on my chest and started crying harder. "After the hangout with you guys, I went looking for Vallin. Then I saw him in the hallway. He was kissing another girl. And when he saw me he tried acting like it was nothing." She said with a shaky voice. Her hands were clutching my shirt and she was crying even harder. I put my green hand on her back and started rubbing her back to try and calm her down. I was furious with Vallin. Who did he think he was? To just cheat on her. This beautiful angel. He was cheating on her. Did he not know that he was lucky to be with her? She was so nice and caring.

"It is okay Sophie," I say with a calming voice. "He does not deserve you. You are way better than him. Do not cry any tears for him. He does not deserve them.  Do not show him that he broke you. You are strong and I know that you can fight this." I say trying to calm her down. 

She looks up at me with a small smile on her face." Thanks, Fitz. That really helped. You are so kind." She says with a quiet voice. I smile at her. Slowly I started to lean down. I could feel her soft and warm breath on my cheeks. My gaze shifted to her lips. I was going to lean down and kiss her when she says, "I think we should go."

I quickly pull my face back and say "Yah". I felt heat come up to my face. I can't believe that I was going to kiss her. We barely know each other. We got up and started walking to the dorms. I walked Sophie to her dorm and memorized the number. Room 121.  

" Are you coming to school tomorrow?" I ask her. I wanted her to come back so badly but I also understood why if she did not want to come. "You can sit with me and my friends for lunch."

"Yeah, I will come. And thanks, I will come to sit with you guys tomorrow. Thank you for the help today."

"Do not mention it"

"Bye Fitz. Goodnight!"

"Bye Sophie. Goodnight!"

And with that, I left her. I turned around my head and saw that she went into her room. My heart fluttered when I remembered the moment I had with her. I was glad that now I can have a chance with Sophie but I never wanted her to be heartbroken I never wished for any of that to happen to her. From now on I will not let anyone hurt her ever again. 

The next day I woke up. I got ready early and decided to go and take a walk.  I went to the fountain to relax a bit. When I came back Keefe was still asleep. 

"Keefe.Keefe!KEEFE!! Wake up!"

Keefe finally wakes up and goes to the washroom."Keefe hurry up. We are late." I say "Ok I just have to do my hair. It is all messy" "NO it is not. ". After about 15 minutes Keefe finally comes out. I took him by the hand and went running to class. It was about to start in 5 minutes. We arrived in class on time. I sat in my seat quickly. When then I noticed that the whole class was looking at me and Keefe. But the only face I was happy to see was Sophie's. She gave me a small smile. I smiled back at her. Then she turned around to face the teacher.  "Ok, class we are going to learn about history. " Class was so long I just wanted it to end so we can have lunch. Sophie was going to sit with us today. I was so excited!

Class finally need and it was lunchtime. I cot up to Sophie before she went out of class. "Hey!" I say.

"Hi, How are you doing?" she replies with a soft voice. Ahhhh I just love her voice. It is just so soft and calming. And her eyes are just so beautiful. And she is extremely cute. I was thinking about Sophie for a long time that I did not realize that she was calling my name.

"Oh yah" I say starteld.

"Are you all right? It was like you just zoned out right there," she says with concern in her voice.

"Yah I am all right. I was just thinking. Come on let's go to lunch."


We were walking to lunch. And when we arrived we sat down and I told my friends that Sophie was going to sit with us from now on and they were okay with it. After a few minutes, Sophie said that she will go to the washroom.

Sophie' POV

I went to the washroom. I was glad that I have made friends. But they were not gonna last. Once they knew how much of a freak I am they will leave me. But I was happy that I have them for now. When I came back from the washroom I went to sit with my friends  Suddenly I saw something.

"What the heck happened here?" I say.

End of the chapter! 1105 words that is a record! (for me at least!). Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. See you peps next time!

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