Chapter 1 - The f*ck am I?

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"As far as I know, we are being taken to someplace that has been haunted or in need of some exorcism-" Bon, Suguro Ryūji, says in his cool serious voice, "and testing us on our abilities on taking care of demons that needs exorcising."

"Yeah, that's true but is there anything else about the location we're heading to besides it being a secluded area and located in a forest?" Asked the short and adorable Konekomaru Miwa while looking up from across me with a curious yet nervous expression.

"I just hope it's not like the last forest we went to with all those disgusting bugs. That was so traumatizing." Shima Renzō hoped from across Bon, shivering at the thought of having to deal with any possible insects.

"Well, I thought they were kinda cute, not gonna lie." I spoke, closing my eyes as a smile started to spread on my face. "Of course you'd say that, Michael." Koneko said, sighing as he shook his head, disappointed but not surprised that I would say something like that.

"Michael, sometimes I see you as a girl and other times I don't and that scares me." Shima said looking in my direction. I just shrug my shoulders with a 'MmMm'.

After 18 minutes of comfortable silence, the bus slows down and eventually stopped at our destination. We all get off and wait for further instructions.

"Alright, guys, listen up. For this assignment, we will need to head deep into the dense forest. Oh, and please try not to burn this one down." Yuki announces as he approached where we all were but turned his head to Rin and I towards the end of his sentence.

Thanks for calling us out, bro. I huff and poked the boys' right shoulder with my pinky, three times, signaling my goodbye and walked over to where Shiemi Moriyama is, letting go of Bon's hand that I didn't even know I was holding.

This time I did know and held onto her, Shiemi's, hand which were the same soft ones I've always liked to hold.

"Ok now follow me and be careful where you step. There are tree roots sticking out from the ground." Yuki said walking away with a wave of a hand, motioning us to follow, which we did.

It was quiet on the walk besides the occasional 'woahs' and 'ahhs' since mostly all of us were admiring the scenery.

We arrived at this old looking cabin, which I hope wasn't our destination, and Yuki turns to face us, "I know you all may be wondering what this is all about. So I will now explain what we're gonna do on this assignment."

Putting his hands on his hips, "We are here to investigate a demon that takes his victims, making them disappear and the school wants us to find that demon and save the lives of the disappeared victims." He says as I adjust my backpack straps. Jeez, no pressure.

Yup, this definitely is some supernatural type of thing. All we need is fake IDs and emotional trauma then we are good to go! I already got the trauma part down so all I need are the badges! Where's the nearest toy shop?

"Okay, you can leave your things inside and search the area for any clues. I would recommend working in groups of two or three." Yukio announces as he and the rest of the Cram school students head on inside to drop off their stuff.

I awaited outside wondering if lady boobs- I mean, Kirigakure Shura was gonna be with us on this assignment though knowing her, she would be annoying Yukio the entire time.

Hearing footsteps, my head shot up and saw Shiemi and Kamiki Izumo, also known as eyebrows, walking out of the cabin.

They seem to be discussing something as then look towards me and smiled, well, it was mostly Shiemi smiling and Eyebrows nodding in my direction, approaching me.

The f*ck am I? {[Blue Exorcist x HunterxHunter crossover]}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin