10 - Love is Like Fire (Trigger Warning)

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Four days later.

Cory barely got any sleep the night before as she was so excited for Chris' return. Today was the day he'd return. And Cory hoped it would also be the day that their relationship took a step forward.

Cory shut off her alarm when it rang, and put on her glasses. She sat up and stretched, then blinked a couple of times. Cory throws her covers aside, then stands.

"Cole, wake up." Cory grunts, stretching some more.

Cole groans and sits up tiredly.

"Woah." Cory says, "You okay, Cole? You look...well, green."

"I don't feel too good." He says.

Cory feels his forehead and cheeks, "Oh my God, you're burning up." She says, "You better stay home today. I don't want to risk you having something and spreading it to your class."

Cole nods and lays back down without hesitation.

"Do you want me to stay home with you or will you be okay by yourself?"

"You leave me by myself all the time. I'll be okay."

"You sure?"


Cory sighs, "Okay." She says, "I'm gonna go jump in the shower. Holler if you need me."


Cory double-checked to make sure she had everything she needed, then went over to Cole.

"Here, I'll even let you wear my super fuzzy slippers to help make you feel better." Cory says, putting a pair of purple fuzzy slippers on Cole's feet.

"Thanks." Cole says, managing a smile.

Cory smiles in return and stands. She goes over and kisses Cole's forehead, "I love you. Be good. Drink lots of fluids."

"I will. Love you too, big sis."

"Text me if you need anything."

"I will."

Cory nods, "Okay, then I'm gonna go." She says. She grabs the rest of her things and her Jack Skellington backpack, then heads out.

As Cory walked down the stairs, she thought she smelled something funny, but pushed it aside with thoughts of Chris and how badly she just wanted to bite one of his lip rings...She was determined to make this a great day.


Since she didn't have to get Cole ready, she was able to grab some Starbucks before school this time. After that, she headed to school.

Cory practically skipped through the halls of her school because she was so happy and excited. She couldn't wait to see Chris. Nothing, absolutely nothing, could ruin today.

Cory walked into her English class, coffee in hand. She sat down, got her things out, and continued to daydream about Chris until the class began...And after that, too.

It was so hard to concentrate! Cory went back and fourth to day dreaming about Chris to worrying about Cole. Cory sighed, then took a sip of her coffee.

As if one cue, Cory's phone buzzed. She set her coffee down, made sure her teacher wasn't looking, then slowly brought her cellphone out of her pocket. It was probably a text from Cole. Cory hoped that he was okay.

The text was actually from Chris. Cory smiled. She unlocked her phone and looked at the message.

I'm outside your school. Come out. Now.

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