4 - Stung by the Wasp

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"So how have you and Chris been?"

"The same as we have been, Mandy. Why are you so persistent on this?" Cory says, folding a shirt and putting it into the correct pile.

"Because I know a good couple when I see one. I mean, come on. Chris has seriously had no impact on your life?"

"Of course he's had an impact on my life. He's actually the reason I decided to start learning how to play guitar."


"Yeah. When I was little and Jenny was babysitting me, sometimes she and I would sneak into their garage and watch Chris practice with whatever band he was in that week. Seeing how much fun they were having made me want to learn how to play. I started taking lessons when I was eight right after we moved into the new house."

"That's pretty cool, actually." Mandy says, "But you've really never had any feelings toward Chris? Feelings as in like-like, more than a friend type feelings?"

"Not unless a school girl crush from ages 6-8 counts."

Mandy snickers, "Seriously?"

"Oh yeah. And I'm pretty sure he knew about it too." Cory says, "Oh God, I hope he doesn't remember that. Talk about embarrassing."

"Sshhh!" Mandy suddenly shushes, gesturing behind them.

Cory turns around and sees Chris standing there. Cory hoped he hadn't heard much of what had just been said.

"You're welcome." Mandy whispers to Cory.

"Chris, hi." Cory greets, smiling.

"Hey, kitten." Chris says with a smirk.

"What's up?"

"Cory, go on break." Mandy says.

"Got it, boss." Cory says.

"Oh my God! Chris Motionless?!" Someone yells.

"You better run." Cory says.

"Okay." Chris says. He then suddenly scoops Cory up, throws her over his shoulder, and runs out of the store.

"Ah! Chris!"

"What?" Chris asks, slowing down.

"Put me down!"

"I dunno. I'm kind of enjoying the view." He says before playfully smacking her ass.

Cory could feel her face heat up.

"Just put me down." Cory says, her voice cracking.

"Oh, alright." Chris says dramatically before setting Cory down, "Hey, your face matches your hair."

"Maybe that's just what happens when hot guys decide to smack my ass."

"Really. Well then I'll have to start doing it more often; you're cute when you blush. And you have a nice ass."

Cory laughs, "Thanks?"

"You really don't know how flirting works, do you?"

"No not really."

Cory had a mosh pit of butterflies in her stomach. Did he really just admit that he was flirting with her?

"So uh, what's up?" Cory asks.

"I wanted to see when you're available this week because the band is leaving for tour soon and I want to spend as much time with you as I can before I have to leave."

"Aw, that's sweet of you " Cory says.

But was it really sweet? Or was it weird?

"My next day off is Friday. And Cole is going to a friend's house so I'm completely free then."

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