23 - This is a Love Song

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A/N: Some of these things regarding the school may be a bit inacurate but it's fanfiction; none of this is accurate haha.

A couple days later.

Chris hung out with the guys while Cory was at school. He needed some advice. He honestly wasn't sure what to think with this whole situation thath he and Cory were in.

"So is she really gonna go to this school?" Ryan asks.

"It depends on what this scout thinks." Chirs says.

"Do you want her to go?" Ricky asks.

"Of course not; I don't want her to go to Texas! But this is such a great opportunity for her. I can't stand in the way of that."

"So then what did you tell her?" Balz asks.

"That she should do it! I want to support her."

"But this could seriously jeopordize your relationship." Vinny points out.

Chris sighs, "I know that." He says, "So...what do I do?"

"Tell her you don't want her to go." Ghost says.

Chris pauses, taking this in.

"You've gotta be honest with her." Josh says.

Chris sighs, "I'm aware of that. I'm just...afraid that being honest is going to hurt her."


Cory walked into the house when she got home from school. Wednesday began yipping and Chris walks up to her. He smiles, then kisses Cory.

"Hi, baby." He says.

"Hey." Cory smiles, "How was your day?"

"Good. I just hung out with the guys. You?"

"It's school; how do you think it went?"

"Gotcha." Chris says.

Cory nods and sets her bag down. She sits on the couch and sighs, tiredly. Chris sits next to her.

"So...Can we talk?"

Cory sits up, "Of course. What's up?"

"Well...What's gonna happen if this guy does end up offering you a scholarship to the school in Texas?"

Cory sighs, "I don't know. I mean, I would want to go, but...I just don't think I could leave everything that I have here."

Chris swallows, "You want my honest opinion?"

Cory nods.

"I don't want you to leave. I don't want you to go." Chris admits, "But...I think you should anyway. This could end up being really, really good for you."

Cory sighs and lays her head on Chris' shoulder, "I don't know what I'm going to do."


April 2nd.

Chris and Cory walked into the café, hand in hand. The familiar scent of coffee greeted them. They ordered coffee and got some food, then sat down.

"Are you nervous?" Chris asks.

"Yeah, a little." Cory confesses.

Chris takes her hand, "You're gonna do great."

Cory exhales and nods, but doesn't say anything.

As if on cue, Donivan walks in. Cory checks the time. Twelve o'clock on the dot. Cory leans in closer to Chris.

"That's him." Cory whispers.

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