3 - Unstoppable

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For a week straight, every time Cory went to Starbucks before work, Chris would meet her there. She always smiled when she saw him. Cory thought it was sweet that he wanted to see her so often. She figured he'd get sick of her after a while, but apparently not.

They always had really fun conversations. They actually had a lot of things in common. Cory especially loved seeing Chris' eyes light up whenever hockey was mentioned. She thought it was cute...

Cory looks at the time, "Oh, I should get going." She says, grabbing her coffee and standing.

Chris sighs and grabs his coffee and stands as well. He stood a good foot taller than Cory, if not more. It sometimes intimidated her...

"Man, it sucks that I only get to see you for like fifteen minutes every day." Chris huffs.

"I know, but I've gotta work. I have to pay the rent somehow."

"Yeah, I know."

Cory smiles and rolls her eyes, "Okay. If you really wanna see me without being tackled by MIW groupies, business starts to slow down around 7:30."

"Really." Chris states, "I just might have to take you up on that."

Cory laughs, "Alright. I'll see you later." She says before quickly hugging Chris and walking out.


Cory walks into Hot Topic and, as usual, was greeted by Mandy.

"Hey, girly!"

"Hey. Nice Spongebob skirt." Cory comments.

"Isn't it?" Mandy asks. "Anyway. Any new developments since I last saw you?"

"Since you last saw me yesterday? No, not really." Cory says, "Oh. Cole told me to tell you he says 'hi'."

"Does your little brother still have that annoying crush on me?"

"I think its cute! Cole is very particular about his women. You should be flattered."

"Whatever. Go help that customer over there?"

"I'm on it, boss."


As predicted, business began to slow down as it got later in the evening. It was usually like this on school nights. Cory didn't mind, though. Now, she was getting paid to sit on her ass and chat with her coworkers and listen to music.

Cory sat on the counter, talking to everyone, when they all suddenly seemed to be looking at something behind her. Mandy's eyebrows shoot up, and she then smirks.

"Cory..." She sings, "You've got a handsome pair of eyebrows waiting for you at the door."

Cory swings her legs around the counter and turns herself around. Her eyes widen.

"Chris." She states, hopping down, "What are you doing here?"

"You told me if I wanted to see you that business slows down at 7:30. Well, it's 7:32." Chris says with a grin; opening his arms up as if to say 'here I am.'

Cory's mouth falls open. She didn't think he'd actually come...

Mandy walks over. She places two fingers under Cory's chin and shuts Cory's mouth.

"Shut that pretty little mouth of yours, honey. You'll catch flies." Mandy says.

Cory laughs, "Right." She says, "Chris, this is -"

"Amanda DeLarentes, but everyone calls me Mandy. I'm manager here and I'm also Cory's best friend. I'm like a sister to her. So I guess you could say I'm kind of a big deal. Ravi de vous rencontrer." (A/N: Google Translate Translation: Nice to meet you.) Mandy says, gracefully extending her hand for Chris to shake.

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