24 - I Know Our Future

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Two weeks later.

Today was Cory's last day of work. She and Mandy were both incredibly sad. Chris would also be returning home soon today. In the mean time though, while she waited, Cory began to pack her things. It was a lot harder than she thought it was going to be though.

She began to wonder if she'd made the right decision...

As if on cue, Cory heard the front door open and Wednesday ran out. Cory smiled. She finished what she was doing ,then walked out.

Cory walked out to find Chris on his knees, petting Wednesday who very clearly had missed him. Chris looks up and sees Cory, then stands. He smiles.


Cory smiles in return, "Hey." She repeats.

Cory walks up to Chris and hugs him. Chris holds onto Cory as tightly as he possiby could, not wanting to release her. He just wanted to hold her forever, even though he knew in his heart that he couldn't.

Cory stands on her tip toes and kisses her boyfriend. She only had a couple weeks left with him, and she wished to savor every moment of it.

"God, I missed you." Chris murmurs against her lips in between kisses.

"I missed you too." Cory whispers before resuming to tug on one of his lip rings with her teeth.

After a few more kisses exchanged, they come apart and press their foreheads together.

"I love you." Cory says.

"I love you too, baby girl." Chris says before quickly kissing her once more, "What are you up to?"

"I just started packing."

There's a pause as they slowly break the embrace.

"Oh." Chris states, not really sure what else to say.

Cory nods, "Yeah."

"Do you need any help with anything?"

"No, I've got it. I've still got two weeks anyway."

Chris nods, "Okay. Then I guess I'd better UNpack."

"Yes. And maybe when you're done, you and I can have some...fun." Cory says with a smirk.

"Well then gimmie my bag so I can unpack now."


They fell back on the sheets, out of breath, their bodies coated with a sleek layer of sweat. You could smell the sex in the air, but you could also feel the love and the passion in the room. They cuddled together as they caught their breath.

Cory lets out a hum as she snuggles into Chris' chest, "I'm gonna miss this." She whispers, "What's gonna happen when I leave? How is this gonna work? This, us?"

Chris thinks, coming back to reality, "Well...We have shows in Texas once in a while. I can figure out how to get you there and spend time with you. And during the winter holidays, we'll both be home. Any other holiday you have, I'll just figure out how to bring you to me, wherever it is the band is at at the moment. We'll just sort of have to play it by ear; but we will make this work. I swear it."

"I believe you, it's just...our relationship is already practically a long distance relationship as it is. This is just going to make it so much harder..."

"Be that as it may, I don't care. I will do whatever it takes to keep you in my life, Corianne. I love you... Everything will work out."

Cory just nods, deciding to trust him, "Okay."

A/N: Well that sucked. My sincerest apologies. My computer shut down on me twice, so all in all, I wrote this chapter three times and finally just said fuck it. If that's not a good excuse for a chapter sucking, I don't know what is.

IMPORTANT! Next chapter is the second to last chapter in this story (not counting the Behind the Scenes Chapter). You know what that means! In the ending A/N of the next chapter, I will reveal to you the name of the main female character/love interest of my next story! I honestly feel like you guys will like my next story, and I'm really excited for it. The plot line for it isn't like any other plot that I've seen, and it's certainly a risky topic. However, I'm willing to take that risk because I know that it will be enjoyable for you guys read and for me to write...Well, technically, the entire story is already written. I'm just copying it onto here :)

ALSO IMPORTANT! Since this chapter was short, if you guys give me lots of votes and comments on this chapter, I WILL UPLOAD THE NEXT CHAPTER TODAY!

Stay creepy!

xoxo, Scissorhands.

For as Sick as it May SeemHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin