17 - Undress Your Body (Explicit Content)

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Two weeks later.

Cory was beyond excited as she walked home from work. She was practically skipping, rather than walking. Chris was coming home today, and Cory absolutely could not wait to see him.

Cory approached the house but wasn't sure if Chris was home yet or not. She walked through the gate an up to the house. Cory quickly grabbed her keys, unlocked the door, and ran inside.

"Chris?!" Cory called.

No resonse.

Cory pulled out her phone and checked to see if Chris was back yet. He hadn't responded to her last text yet. Cory sighed and put her phone away as Wednesday approaches her.

"Not yet." Cory says, as if Wednesday were thinking the same thing Cory was.

Cory kicked off her boots and hung up her jacket. She put her purse away and stuffed her phone in her back pocket. Cory then walked into the kitchen, quickly refilled Wednesday's food and water bowls, then walked off to the bedroom.


Chris walked through the gate, giddy as a little kid. Tour was absolutely amazing, but Chris was excited to see his girl again. He wanted nothing more right now than to take Cory in his arms and to kiss her into oblivion.

The lights were on, so Chris knew she was home. He walked in and was greeted first by his small white dog. Wednesday began yipping excitedly at his feet. Chris chuckled and knelt down to Wednesday.

"I missed you too." He laughs.

Chris suddenly heard rapid footsteps and looked up to see Cory. She'd washed off all of her makeup and had taken her glasses off. Chris stands and smiles.

"Hi." He says.

"Hi." Cory repeats.

There's a pause.

"Okay, everything around me is pretty much one big blur so if you're gonna kiss me, I'm gonna need you to come to me."

Chris laughs, then goes to Cory. He wraps his arm around her small torso and brings her to him before finally kissing her. Cory wraps her arms around his neck and stands on her tip toes, wanting as much of him as she could get.

They come apart and press their foreheads together.

"God, I missed you." Chris breathes.

"I missed you too."

"I love you."

"I love you too." Cory says before he quickly kisses her a couple more times.

They come apart and Cory smiles before biting her lip.

"Are you gonna have some kind of OCD-type-anxiety attack if I don't unpack right now?" Chris asks.

Cory puts her hands on her hips and shifts her weight to one side, looking up, "Whaaat? Pfft, no."

Chris gives her a deadpanned look.

Cory puts her arms down, "If you don't do it now, I'll just do it tomorrow morning."

Chris raises an eyebrow.

"Or tonight after you fall asleep." Cory says.

Chris laughs and rolls his eyes, "I'll do it."

"'Kay." Cory says, smiling, "And if you're quick, I might give you a bit more than just a kiss."

"You're killing me -"

"Quickly but it feels so sloooowwww..." Cory sings, abnoxiously.

"You're a dork."

"I know."

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