8// Brotherly Fight

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Dabi's POV (IDK if the title makes sense but eh)
TW: Fire and blood (just Dabi's quirk causing his staples to come undone) also talk about their past so ya know what's happening there.

I walk into the class and the students have already written the order for the fights. We're in the stadium where the sport carnival fights were held. I look at the bord 'Icy Hot' I guess we now know who wrote the list.
"You may have guessed what we're doing today. I warn you my main goal today is to pick away at unhealed scars, get under your skin, make you angry and thus making your movements sloppy and not thought out. Making you easy targets. Don't think you're safe because I don't know anything about you. No one here is safe. So you're up Icy Hot" I hear Boom Boy laugh behind me but I ignore it. A horn blows to signal the start of a match and I see the rest of the teachers and the principal in the stands something gives me the feeling this is more than just a lesson.
"I guess you know about my home life from my brother," He said shooting a blast of ice at me which I dodged. I'd melt it but I don't want to start bleeding through my staples before I can kick this kids ass.
"Tell me Todoroki, how did your brother die?" I shoot a stream of flames at him that he deflected with a wall of ice.
"A fire. Burnt to ashes by his own quirk." we continued to throw flames and ice and dodge getting a few boos from the angry barking dog man in the crowd.
"Say what colour were the flames?"
He starred at me I'm not sure if he made the connection or thought I killed him.
"Now tell me this Dabi. You had the same quirk as my brother were those his flames or yours?" He hissed I felt his throws at me becoming fueled with rage. After a few seconds of silence. he snaps. A huge stream of fire hits me. My burns sizzle and I feel a small pool of blood forming under my eye. "Answer me you bitch." I laugh licking the blood that's dripped down my cheek.
 "Touya" I almost laugh the name. I was such a bitch back then. "Touya was weak" I spit
"Did" a cannonball of ice hits me "you" and another hits me "kill" hit again "my" ow- "brother?"
"No one missed him"
I spit out way too much blood for it to be healthy, and I mean its true. Like there was no body. Obviously, I was still alive but I was relying on my families stupidity to escape. This time i see the flame coming and throw out my own blast of blue fire. They meet in the middle and swirl up. When they disperse i see his face, his sad, angry face. Dabi what did you do this time?
"You killed a man with two kids I don't care if he was a villain he was their dad and my brother and now you can join him." I feel the heat surround me eating at my weak skin and heating up my staples causing blood to seep out. I fall to my knees. I let out a scream of pain. All the memories, all the burns, every day, all the training. I scream louder, begging for him to stop. It's like that night all over again. My dad standing over me, my body engulfed in my own flames. The flames stop I don't know whether its Aizawa's doing or Shoto.
"Touya?" I feel his hand in mine but all I can see is blood.
"It's kinda sick and twisted you don't remember anything about me except my screams" I laugh before it goes black.

(I'm sorryyyyy i know my baby burnt chicken nugget didn't deserve this but I promise this is the only angsty triggering chapter... I think- There will be some fluff I promise)    

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