4// New Teacher

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Shoto's POV (i should've been saying whos pov it was but oop-)

We were told we were going to have a new teacher since Allmight wasn't 'physically able' to teach our class to fight since he lost his powers but what we got was not what we expected. First of all, he was pulled into the class in handcuffs and a mussel (Mr Aizawa said it was just cause he just wouldn't shut up) by ten policemen and four pro heroes, second of all IT WAS A VILLAIN?? Not that I don't believe in redemption and second chances since my father proved himself to have the ability to be something of a decent father but Dabi had tried to kill all of us on many occasions and now he gets to teach us how to fight? I think he's just here cause he can hit us without the pros interfering. One of the policemen took of the mussel and let him introduce himself, we already knew who he was so he just said how he didn't want to be here and set some few ground rules.
"Number 1. Don't ask about my real name or my past. Number 2. Don't try to make some crazy theory about my name or past number 3 don't ask anything about my personal life, love life or anything to do with my work with the league. Now any questions?" Mineta raised his hand. Woah that grape man has guts, not that I wish death on anyone except my father but I'm hoping Dabi burns him to a crisp.
"You work with Toga right?"
"What did I say about rule no.3?"
"Does she have big tits?"
The whole class went silent and Dabi didn't break his death glare with the pervert, the fire behind his eyes burning with rage. He took a deep breath. I'm looking forward to this
"First of all I am 24 and she is 16 I may be a mass murderer and arsonist but I'm not a pervert. Besides I'm gay, so no as a gay man in his 20's I don't know the size of a school girls breast. Really? This is the new heroes? And you all wonder why we want to kill you so much." Damn, I respect him so much. He took a quick second to scan the faces in the room. "Now where is this Shinsou I've been hearing so much about?" Wait, Shinsou? What would Dabi want with Shinsou? Shinsou stepped out from behind the crowd of officers.
"What do you want?" He looked just as confused and suspicious as I felt. Dabi went to shake his hand. Wait weren't those in cuffs a second ago? The police notice this too and prepare to tackle him but Hawks stops them, it looks like all the villain wants to do is shake his hand. He slowly reaches out his hand and shakes the burnt villain's hand.
"Dabi?" Shinsou asks. He's going to control him, this will be amazing unless he doest answer of course.
"What?" Yes, he answered.
"Do  the chicken dance." Yes yes yes
"Nah, don't think I will."  No no no
"What? Why didn't my control work on you?" Guess Shinsou is just as surprised as me
"Got nothing up there ya can control." He says tapping his head "Trauma does that to you"
Trauma? Maybe there is someone that knows how I feel? No, he wouldn't know how it feels. I raise my hand and he looks at my eyebrow raised, he nods and I ask.
"I know you said not to ask about your past but what kind of trauma did you go through?" he gives me a small smile and starts
"Well my father abused me at a young age, he trained me to become the greatest hero better than Allmight himself but when he found out my body wasn't strong enough for my quirk he cast me aside. My younger sibling went through the same and one night when my mother was pushed to her limits and sent away I decided that night I would run away. True I didn't have to fake my own death but eh I'm extra."
Holy shit. He's been literally everything I have even Izuku could relate to the part about his quirk. Maybe he is the best teacher for us.

(I only have the weekend then 3 more days of the school yay, I just wanted to say thank you to anyone and everyone that's reading this I know its not the best but I loved the idea too much not to write it and I hope you guys, girls and nonbinary pals liked it as much as me)

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