6// Villain

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Shinsou's POV

Dabi finally lets go of me. I'm still in shock but at least he wasn't actually crying.
"If my tear ducts hadn't shrivelled up id be sobbing right now. Sorry for my unwanted emotions but you don't know how long I've wanted to hear that. I haven't seen my real family in 10 years. I had three younger siblings, I was the oldest and had to take care of them. I protected them from my dad, I was their hero. Guess they'd be pretty disappointed if they saw me now." Maybe he's not that bad, just misunderstood.
"Well one of them goes to UA isn't that the whole reason you're here?" Hawks obviously wasn't listening to what he'd said until a giant blue flame came racing towards him. He continued to throw flames at the hero each throw fueled by rage, he couldn't hear me and I doubt I could change his mind no matter how much I meant to him. I raced outside and almost ran into Broccoli man.
"Is everything okay?"
"Get Mr Aizawa now!" He nodded at me and booked it down the hall in a few minutes Mr Aizawa disarmed Dabi and sent Hawks to Recovery Girl.
"What the fuck was that? You couldn't last one day?" I felt bad I had to stand up for him
"It wasn't him. Hawks brought up his old family and accidentally hit a scar that hadn't healed yet, and yeah he could've handled it better but we know his childhood was filled with rage and becoming a villain probably hasn't helped that"  I think i helped because Aizawa stopped giving him a lecture and let out a deep sigh. It was silent for a time that felt like hours. 
"He's in UA" All heads turned to Dabi, "My brother stands here in this school. No, he's not a spy, he doesn't even know who he is. I just wanted to see how he was doing without me." He gave a weak smile and started to walk to the door. "Guess id better see how the burnt chicken nuggets going. Make sure you rest, 'cause tomorrow is training and if you get beat by me you're in for a whole world of pain. Night!" And just like that, he was back to himself.
"Yes, I know who it is. I know his real name."
"Then just arrest him that's more blackmail on him then it is on us"
Bakugou's not yelling and actually kinda making sense, this is a strange day.
"Oh believe me it's not. He's got the high ground. There's probably more he has and won't let us in on. I know he has a charming personality but don't forget what you just saw, don't forget how he looked when he got here, this man is responsible for over 30 deaths, hundreds of injures and probably more we don't know of. He's still one of Japan's most wanted and he's got us wrapped around his finger. Right now, we're playing with fire."

I know the whole 'we're playing with fire' thing probably didn't make sense but it was cool and dramatic so-
also, i know the whole Shinsou and Dabi thing is low key giving off love at first sight, in love with a villain, teacher-student vibes but DO NOT SHIP IT. It's like a brother love ya disgusting Mineta people. This is Hawks x Dabi and Denki x Shinsou so ye. Just a little something sorry enjoy the rest.

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