Clingy Much?

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Previously on Twisted History~

By now I was confused, who the hell is Deku.

"Ummm...who?" I asked generally confused.

"The nerd, him! Don't play stupid!" He yelled pointed to my bunny.

"I'm sorry let me introduce myself, maybe we got off on the wrong foot little wiener, my name is Kazuko Delta, but I go by Kazu by my little bunny," I said.



~~~~Ok for any confusion Kazu is 19 and Izuku is 16, in some states, you can be 16 or older to get consent to have sex with someone older, if you don't like the 3 year age gap don't read this story!~~~~

Kazu POV

Mother fucking asshole, I place my headphones on Bunny and stood up towering over this little boy.

"Call me that one more time. And we'll have problems." I snared baring my teeth at him.

You a bastard touching my Deku-" This asshole didn't get to finish as I grabbed him by the throat lifting him off the floor.

"Now let me tell you about myself, shall we, I am in no mood for a small dick fry like you to get your titties in the bunch but I guess someone needs to teach you a lesson alright and I'm about to lay it all out on you." I calmly stated.

"Dude put him down!" A red hair brat said.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm talking here!" I snarled at him seeing him back down.

"Now I have something to get off my chest that been dying to say since you ever laid your hands on my Bunny. Fucking touch him again you no good, little dick having ass, wannabe hero having ass, don't give a fuck about others and still say your the best-having ass, and mother sucking tits, bitch, and we'll have more than just fight, I'll send you personally to a dog shits grave and see you rot in hell, do I make my self clear?" I growled to the hobo to try and get his students back but I held my hand up stopping where he stood.

"Y-y-yes." Little wiener say as I dropped him to the floor and everyone rushed to his side I just picked up my sleeping Bunny and placed him back on my lap with his head on my shoulder.

"My Bunny and I will always protect you," I mumbled rubbing his back.

"That was uncalled for, that was completely unheroic like of you to do that to a student." Pole butt said (Iida if you don't know)

"Does it look like I give a fuck about you students, I have one mission get it, worry about yourself and stop being such a stickler in the books, maybe that's why nobody likes you, cause your such an ass all the time," I said pulling Bunny closer to me now his member is against mine. Go, I can't wait until he finally says yes then we'll be together forever.

Todoroki POV

He's so clingy, Midoriya hasn't talked to any of us since he came, he's only been sticking to some random man who we've never seen in his life nor has he talked about this mystery guy.

What could they have in common? What does he have that I don't, all he's been was an ass and try and kill Bakugou, like I know Bakugou is mean and whatever and has a different way of expressing emotions I guess but trying to kill someone you just met is a little uncalled for isn't? But back to the fact of why this guy hates the most s so protective of Midoriya.

Maybe they ran into each other and a quirk incident happened to make them inseparable, I figured it out, yeah Midoriya would never act like this, and close to some stranger would even be called for so if you wrap it all up Midoriya doesn't know what's he doing and likes me but can't tell because of a mishap.

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