New Family

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Previously on Twisted History~

 "Sorry Toshi," Bunny said as he was red, I put my hand on Bunny's thigh. He's mine, and only mine.



Izuku POV

After dinner, we sat on the couch watching movies, well I was sitting on Kazu's lap he said he didn't want me close to anyone else. Which I completely understand, I almost died from...him. I shouldn't be thinking about that, I'm safe and he can't hurt me any anymore?

"Bunny what are you thinking about?" Kazu said in my ear-catching even else attention, I tensed from the demand of the question but it wasn't as mean as a father, but everyone's eyes were so focused on me I didn't like it, I know I interact with my friends at school but, why do I feel like something bad is going to happen if I say the wrong thing.

"I-I was j-just the-thinking abo-out father," I said as Kazu made me face him, so now I was straddling him.

"Why are you thinking about him?" He asked cupping my face, while tears rolled down my face and onto his hands.

"I'm s-sorry it.... j-just happened.... a-and I don't know," I said crying.

"Aww...bunny, come here." Kazu pulled me into his chest rubbing my back until I stopped crying. "All you have to do is think about me, ....and of course your family, but mostly me, ok," Kazu said, I chuckled at his overprotectiveness, I wrapped my arms around his neck sitting my head on his shoulder. I nuzzled my head into his neck, while he put his hands on my back and pulled us closer.

"Thank you Kazu," I whispered, falling asleep not too long after.

Kazu POV 

I heard my bunny fall asleep, I was disappointed he didn't say that he love me but, I know he does he is just a shy bunny and if it weren't for his purple insomniac brother for walking in on us earlier I would have totally gotten bunnies first kiss, and then we could be together, have sex, and have kids and get married and then have more sex. You know I just want to be with my bunny that's all, is that too much to ask for?! 

"You know I'm sorry about earlier?" The purple boy asked as I looked over at his, I am also aware of the two adults who were curious about this conversation since they didn't know what happen, which they don't need to know, but their mother well know now.

"Yeah, sure. Do you do it to your parents too? I was having a moment, and the mood was set and all, just a little bit longer." I said as he chuckled.

"What happened earlier?" The hobo man asked.

"Purple boy walked in on me and bunnies moment, I require you teach him about manners and knock, who's house do you think this is?" I turned back to the purple-haired boy.

"Ummm...I live here, and I wouldn't be expecting that my little brother was with someone, I just met today, for all I could know you were best friends getting to know each other in that room." He replied.

"Right...still knock next time," I said.

"So wait Hitoshi walked in on Izuku and you about to kiss?" I loud blond asked as I nodded.

"Ohhh...that's why Izuku's face was like that throughout dinner." The hobo implied as both adults laughed making my bunny stir in his sleep but he was rubbing on my member, I did want more but I contained myself hardly because of his hot breath on my neck, and his lips were brushed up on my chest.

"Are you two sleeping on the couch or are you taking him to his room?" The hobo asked.

"I'll take us to his room, it would be more comfortable," I said getting up while bunny wrapped his lips around my waist and his arms tightened around my neck. I held under his thighs walking up the steps to his room. I laid on the bed with a bunny on my chest. I rubbed my thumb over his lips, licking my lips. If only, I could. 

"Contain yourself Kazu, wait for consent." I scolded myself.

"Kazu..." I heard bunny mumble while gripping my shirt then releasing it.

"Don't worry bunny, he's not going to get you not without passing through me first," I said falling asleep with a protective arm around my bunny.  

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