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The first person Clark saw when he got into the Watchtower that night was, fortunately, Bruce. Or more precisely, Batman. He gave a sigh of relief that the other hero couldn't ignore.

"Busy day?" Batman asked.

"You bet. Everyone kept asking about Madine and all I could say was that she really was mine."

"And that didn't settle it?"

"No. I'll probably give an interview about it to quell all those questions. They're annoying."

"Hm... Lois asked?"

"No... But I'll probably ask her, anyway."

The other hero just nodded. A few feet away, he talked again.

"And how is she after all of this?"

He couldn't help the smile when thinking about Madine, now, and how happy she genuinely looked.

"She's more happy than I've ever seen her."

"That's good to know."

"Yes. I may be losing my mind thinking of all the scenarios that this could go wrong, but at least she's happy."

Batman grinned.

"Don't do that. Leave the paranoid stuff for me. That's what friends are for."

Clark couldn't help but laugh, and now he was really happy that he had given Bruce a second chance at trust after he literally broke into his house in the middle of the night, at the risk of waking a very small sleeping Madine (he was pissed because of that). It turned out that Batman had a soft spot for children, who knew?

"Now, are you ready for the questions of the League? I just left the meeting room because they were too loud about it." Batman asked again, a few meters away from the room.

"Ugh, don't remind me. I'm not sure if I'm ready for it, but... Let's do it anyway."

"We'll be by your side, remember. Diana and I."

He smiled, really happy to hear that. "I know. Thanks."

Bruce just nodded, and together they entered the meeting room, that was almost pure chaos. Everyone was chatting loudly, about a lot of things, from what Clark could gather. Some were talking about the magic trick the villains had pulled, and others about Supergirl. Either way, he knew it wasn't going to be all about the villains in this meeting. He steeled himself for the questions, questions he had wanted to avoid ever since the League was founded, but like Bruce had said to him years before, he couldn't ignore forever.

"Everyone, please take your seats. We're about to begin." Batman roared to the room, that instantly stopped, everyone assuming their places in the big and round table and only murmuring their questions to each other.

Diana came to him, both arms ready for a hug that he gave her with no question.

"Hey, Di."

"Hello, Kal. I assume Kara is doing great." She said, only loud enough for him to hear.

He smiled. "Yeah, she's really happy."

"That's nice to hear. I miss her. After all this is said and done, I would love to see her again."

"I'm sure she'll love to see you, too. I'll set something up."

"We could do it at the Manor. Alfred also mentioned missing her." Batman pitched in the conversation.

He smiled bigger. "Sounds great. Just tell me when."

He nodded and then pointed Diana to her seat, and Clark took the hint and sat beside his team-mate and best friend so he could, finally, answer the questions everyone was dying to ask.

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