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The day after Superboy became a part of the Kent family started with Madine waking him up. After the little talk they had at night, agreeing to being 'twins' from now on, he had slept peacefully, even though it was still a little awkward to lay down. She shook him out of his sleep-induced state with a big smile on her lips.

"Wake up, Supey!" she said. "Breakfast is ready."

He blinked twice before understanding what was happening.  Madine was dressed in casual clothes; jeans and a Wonder Woman t-shirt, along with red sneakers. This should mean she was ready to go to school. The smell of food came to him, confirming her words. He let a yawn escape, and then got up, smiling to his very happy big sister.

"How are you so happy at this hour?" he asked while he followed her to the kitchen.

Madine laughed, and Clark joined her, answering his question.

"I've been trying to understand that for fifteen years, Superboy. I honestly don't know how she does that."

"It's a gift." she said, laughing at them.

He smiled and took a seat at the kitchen table, right beside Madine. Clark put some food he was cooking on the table and sat in front of them.

"Good morning."

"Good morning." he answered, smiling a bit.

"So, what are our plans today?" Madine asked, obviously wanting a specific answer.

"Hm. You go to school," said Clark. "and I'm going to work."

"How about Superboy?" Madine frowned.

Clark looked ashamed.

"Sorry," he said. "I didn't thought about that. Guess I have to get used to you around here yet."

Superboy waved a dismissive hand to them.

"Don't worry about me." he said. "I'll just stay home until you're back."

"But dad doesn't get out of work until five, and I'm only home by four! It's the whole day!"

He shrugged. "You can't stop your lives for me. I'll be fine."

Clark bit his lip and it seemed he was facing a very tough decision. Finally, he sighed, looking defeated.

"He's right, Madine. We can't just suddenly change our routine. That would be suspicious."


"He can always get out, see the city." he suggested. "I'll give you our extra keys so you can go out if you want."

Superboy didn't know how to say he didn't want to go out without them. Not by fear of getting lost, it's just the thought of seeing Metropolis without them made him feel lonely. And he didn't liked that.

"Ok." he said anyway. If that would make Clark happy, he could handle a day alone.

"I still don't like this." She pouted.

"Me neither." Clark admitted. "But as soon as I'm home from patrol today, we can talk about that and figure something out. Is that okay with you Superboy?"


"We also need a name for him, dad." Madine said again, seemingly more appeased.

"But I have a name." Superboy was confused.

She laughed. "You need a human name. What you have is a hero name."

He blinked twice, still a little confused.

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