Also, he had a feeling that as soon as they were in the same room, the Team would know (maybe not Wally), and he knew Madin and Robin were friends. Robin would totally tell her and she would be mad he didn't told her first.

He cleared his throat.



"Something happened on the mission that I need to tell you."

She stopped eating.

"It's not a bad thing..." he started. "But... I feel I should tell you first."


"Remember when you made dad have the 'girl talk' with me? Because you said that I liked M'gann?"

"You like her." She corrected him. "But yeah, I remember."

"Well... You weren't wrong..."

She just looked at him.

He sighed and decided to tell the story from the beginning.

"In Belle Reve the prisoners have counseling sessions with a therapist. We were just pretending of course, but some things were said. And then, after, I was talking with Icicle Jr. who had a thing for M'gann – who he thought was actually Tuppence Terror – and then... I don't know how to say it, but it just... I just felt something click, I guess? And... After everything, I... M'gann and I, I mean... We... Ah... We kissed."

He supposed it could be worse. He had started well, and then gone horribly like a stuttering mess.

Madine blinked.

"You and M'gann?"

"Yeah. And... I think we're kind of together now. We didn't really talked about it, but..."

"Oh my god!" she squealed.

And there it was.

She got up and went to hug him. "I'm so happy for you!"


"That's so cute! In the middle of a mission! And no one saw?"

"Actually Icicle Jr. was there..." he scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "But right after that was when we made ourselves known and the League came to take us out."

"I see. Anyway, that's so cute!" she squealed again. "You have to tell me the details when you two talk!"

"I will, I promise."

"Okay, okay." She was practically sparkling with emotion. "Now help me with the kitchen and let's go or we're gonna be late."

He ate the last of his bananas and did exactly that, while Madine looked at him and squealed in delight one more time.


They got into class right before the second bell, and then the teacher. The classes that day were surprisingly not boring for Conner, which made him think that maybe school wasn't going to be a total waste of time, after all.

At lunch, sitting beside Madine with her friends – Eunice, Janica, Morisette and Loremae – all around the table, one of them finally asked the question they have been preparing themselves to answer ever since it was decided that Conner was going to school.

"So, Conner... if you and Madine are twins... how come we never heard about you before?" Asked Morisette, who were the friend that Conner disliked the most so far. He honestly didn't know why Madine was friends with her.

"Morisette! That was rude!" Said Loremae, sitting beside her, but you could see the sparkle of curiosity on her eyes.

"Come on, you're all wondering the same thing."

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