"But it doesn't explain how. Vampires are dead. They can't create life. They can't become pregnant," Katherine pointed out. Katherine latched onto Elijah's arm as he contemplated what the girls had said.

"The witch, Sophie Deveraux, said that the spirits contacted them and informed them of your condition. I should like to know what else they said," Elijah announced, but before he could go seek out Sophie, the woman herself walked in.

"I will tell you, but only if you do something for me first. I need you to bring Klaus here to hear us out," she asked, and Katherine scoffed.

"And what makes you think that you can order us around? You can't use magic and we are stronger than you," she said.

Sophie looked at Isa. "You haven't told them?"

"I was getting to it," Isa scowled back at her.

"Tell us what, Isa?" Elijah asked.

"When my sister performed the spell that got her killed, she not only confirmed this pregnancy, but she linked Isa to me. Anything that happens to me, happens to her. Her life is in my hands now," Sophie explained, pricking her finger to demonstrate.

Isa hissed as a single droplet of scarlet blood pooled from the wound now on her finger.

"You would harm my family to control me?!" Elijah raged as he began to storm towards Sophie.

"Elijah there's more!" Isa yelled quickly and her brother froze.

"What more could there possibly be?!" Katherine asked annoyed.

"The spell had a few side effects," Sophie said. "It left Isa without her abilities."

The vampires turned on Isa.

"Isa, what does she mean?" Elijah asked softly and slowly.

"For all intents and purposes Elijah, I'm human."


"Isa!" Nik exclaimed as he saw his wife, running towards her instantly.

"Nik!" she called in return as he wrapped her in his arms, relief coursing through him finally knowing his wife was okay after the last week of hell.

"Are you ok? Are you alright? Have they hurt you at all?!" he asked, his tone twisted with concern, worry, fear, anger, and love.

Isa couldn't help but smile. "I'm alright, Nik," she promised, and Nik pulled her into a long kiss, before hugging her again, eyes closed as he revelled in the feeling of holding his wife once more.

"Let's get you the hell out of here," he mumbled into her hair but before he could Elijah stopped him.

"Niklaus, I agreed to tell you where your wife was in exchange for you listening to the witches," the older brother said.

"I will not stand here and listen to lies, Elijah," Nik snarled and Isa pulled on his arm.

"Nik, we're staying. I'm getting an explanation. And don't worry, I can still tell when they lie," she said.

Nik relented, staying, but he was curious as to what his wife meant by 'can still tell'. Why would she not be able to? "I'm here. Explain," Nik ordered, face set in a permanent glare as his arm stayed forever wrapped around Isa.

"Your hybrid curse that you used the moonstone to break, wasn't the only curse you broke," Sophie began. She saw all of them move to open their mouths and she held up her hands silencing them. "Questions after. Let me explain first,' she said, and the family reluctantly complied. "When the Original witch turned you all into vampires, she saw your love for Klaus, and she would never deny you what was almost denied her, so when she turned you, she made sure you would have the ability to bear children," Sophie began and Isa tensed under her husband's arm. "And when it was discovered that Klaus wasn't Mikael's son, he refused to let your 'abomination' of a bloodline continue."

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