[p1] the polar express but make it camren

Start from the beginning

"Camz..." Lauren whispers, "Thank you, babe, I'll listen to it when I get home."

"You're welcome," Camila smiles, pressing a kiss to Lauren's lips. After a minute, she pulls away abruptly and jumps up off the bed, "I forgot!"

She grabs the envelope and holds it behind her back, "First of all, it's a CD because you don't ever shut up about your car having a CD player even though they're out of style and I thought it would finally shut you up. Second... this!"

Camila hands Lauren the large envelope, and Lauren sees the NYU crest on it. Her green eyes flick up at Camila, "Have you opened it yet?"

Camila presses her lips together, "Yeah, but I want you to see it for yourself. Open it!"

Lauren flips open the tab on the envelope and pulls out the first paper inside. She scans the paper and her eyes only widen as she reads it.

"A full ride for their music production program?!" She exclaims, looking up at Camila.

Camila grins, excited tears pooling in her eyes, "Yep!"

"Oh my god!" Lauren throws her arms around the smaller girl, holding her tightly, "Oh my god, Camz, I'm so proud of you."

"We're going to be in New York together, Lo," Camila says, reminding Lauren of how she's going to be at Columbia for law in the coming year, "I love you so much."

Lauren smiles, "I love you too."


Lauren wakes up with her head against Camila's chest and Camila's laptop playing soft Christmas music on the nightstand. Camila's arms are wrapped tightly around Lauren's waist, one hand on Lauren's bare skin and the other on her arm, and their legs are entangled so much that they seem to have formed into one person.

She nuzzles back into Camila's shoulder and has almost dozed off again until she feels the bed start to rumble slightly. Her eyes shoot open and she tries to sit up - maybe to see what's going on - but Camila's arms stay tight around her and the other girl just groans in her sleep.

The rumbling only gets worse and her blood runs cold when one of Camila's necklaces that were laid haphazardly on her dresser falls to the floor. She quickly disentangles herself from Camila and grabs the laptop, setting it in the middle of the bed so it doesn't get damaged.

"Camz," she hisses, shaking her girlfriend's shoulder, "Wake up!"

"Go to sleep," Camila mumbles, grabbing Lauren's hand and trying to pull her down to the bed.

"There's some kind of fucking earthquake, wake up!" Lauren exclaims, shaking her harder and then wincing when the rumbling gets worse, "Wake up!"

Camila finally groans and gets up, barely able to stand on two feet. Lauren scrambles over to the window and sees that her car is missing and where it used to be there's train tracks running through the road, "What the fuck?"

"What is going on?" Camila asks, clambering over to where Lauren is, "What-"

Lauren pries open the window and grabs her jacket, "C'mon."

"We should stay inside," Camila warns.

"My car is missing, I'm looking for it," Lauren retorts, "You coming or not?"

Camila groans, "You fucking wake me up in the middle of the night to go on a purge through Miami?"

Lauren nods, "Yes, now c'mon."

"You're lucky I love you," Camila grumbles, grabbing her Miami University hoodie that she got from one of her friends and pulling it on before following Lauren out the window.

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