Chapter 12 - Greyson

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"Grey!" I shout as I give him a bone-crushing hug, hanging off his body like a koala bear with my legs wrapped tightly around his torso.

"Violet, how are you, smiley?" He asks, using the nickname he came up with for me when we were little.

Greyson, or Grey, is the Morgan's eldest son being 21. Like Roman and Riley, he used to be around a lot and has known me and the triplets since the day we were born. Even though my brothers and I have a lot in common, Rey and I are one and the same. We share a special bond, a connection that no words can begin to describe. Our personalities and tastes are disturbingly similar, making Jack, his father, joke around that we are long lost twins.

We have been through hell and back together, creating unforgettable memories. I was there for him when he fell off a tree, breaking his leg, and lent him my shoulder to cry on when his first girlfriend mercilessly broke his heart. In return, he witnessed my coming of age in more ways than one. He was also the first one to be able to bring me back to reality when the night terrors and panic attacks started. We were and still are each other's rock. Whatever happens, we know we can always count on one another, even when the situation seems so terrible that you can't tell your own family. He is like another brother to me, equally protective when needed but not overreactive like my blood ones.

About three years ago, he decided that he wanted to study forensic sciences, so he decided to pursue this career in the US, where there were more opportunities. It was hard to say goodbye at the airport, and the only thing holding me together was the knowledge that it wouldn't be forever. He would still visit home once in a while and would spend big holidays here too, like Christmas. The last time I saw him was around six months ago, and I have missed him like crazy.

"I'm great! How are the states?" I question him while detangling myself from his muscular arms, a radiant smile still planted on my face.

"In the same place last time I checked!" he answers teasingly, setting me into a fit of giggles along with his deep chuckle.

"That wasn't even funny..." Someone grumbled from beside us, but I pay them no mind and turn my attention back to Grey.

"So? How are you doing? How long are you staying here? Wait, why did you come? Is something wrong? Please tell me you didn't get some girl pregnant?? If so, can I be the Godmother? What am I saying? Of course, I would be the Godmother! It must be something else...did they kick you out? Grey, did you let your tarantula out in the headmaster's office again? Did-" I rant at the speed of light, only to be interrupted by the 21-year-old giant in front of me.

"Violet, breathe." Grey reminds me, amusement shining in his eyes as he hears my mindless rambling. I do so, and after I have calmed myself down, I go to speak, only to be interrupted.

"Well, hello to you too, Luna. How was your day, guys? Great! Thanks for asking." Ezekiel comments, sarcasm dripping off his every word. I turn around to face my eldest brothers, who look rather unamused.

"Hey, guys... how are you?" I ask tentatively, smiling sheepishly at both of them. With all the excitement of having Greyson back, I forgot that my brothers were still in the room. The twins are staring at me with an unimpressed look, and I go to apologize only to be cut off, once again.

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