Chapter 12.

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Yin bravely walked up to Tighten and Megamind. "Get off of him, Tighten. Then put your hands on your head and get on the ground. You are under arrest for destruction of property, murder, and the kidnapping and torture of Megamind." Yin said. Tighten turned to Yin and chuckled. He still had the knife aimed at Megamind, whose eyes started returning to normal as he was running out of energy to fight back. "Why should it matter to you? I haven't seen you back when I was locked up. You are new." Tighten said. Yin chuckled darkly. "Yeah. I'm new..... And improved. So get off Megamind and surrender or we will have trouble." Tighten laughed. "A scrawny police officer is no match for me." Yin snapped his fingers and an 16-ton weight fell from the sky. Tighten looked up and Megamind rolled away before the weight fell on Tighten. It was cartoonish but it looked painful. "Scrawny police officer, hmm? I beg to differ." Yin said with a snarky tone.

While Tighten was getting the anvil off of himself, Yin ran to Megamind and helped him up. The weakened alien looked at Yin. The man looked familiar to Megamind but then it finally hit him. He began remembering everything. "Y...Yin?" The man nodded. "Yeah. It's me, bud. Long time no see. Let's get you out of here and to the hospital." Megamind stopped. "But Minion and Roxanne need help!" Megamind protested. "I will help them. I promise. The three of us will find a way to get his powers away from him." Yin said as he brought Megamind to the ambulance. "No way am I going to let my friends girl and best friend/sidekick get hurt by that tyrant. You concentrate on getting better!" Yin said as he ran to where Roxanne and Minion were at.

"You guys need a hand?" Yin asked. Minion nodded. "Yeah. Thanks, Detective." Roxanne said. "Does the battle robot still work?" Yin asked. "Yeah but it needs lifted off the ground." Minion replied. "I got you covered." Yin said and snapped his fingers, setting the battle robot upright again. Minion wasn't phased but Roxanne looked in awe. "I'll explain how my powers work later but right now we got to stop Tighten and give enough time for the ambulance to get Megamind to the hospital. Is the place evacuated?" Yin asked. Roxanne nodded and said "There are no people that I see here. If they are here, they probably found a safe place to hide." Yin acknowledged the answer and looked at Tighten struggling. "I have an idea but I need the both of you to help me do it." Yin said. The two nodded. "What do you want us to do?" Minion asked.

"I need you to help me distract Tighten. Roxanne, I need you to get to the museum and find that gun Megamind made if it wasn't destroyed yet. If it is destroyed, I need you to find me the pieces of it or at least one of them. Once I get the gun or the pieces, I will do the rest." Yin said. Minion and Roxanne both nodded in agreement. Once Tighten got the weight off of him, he looked around and saw Megamind was gone. He let out a cry of rage before seeing Yin with Roxanne and Minion. He growled like a rabid animal and flew towards them. "Uh.... Guys? This is the part where we put our plan to action! And an addition to the plan: Don't die!" Yin said in a panicked tone. Minion nodded. "Right!" Roxanne said and ran into the museum as the boys ran towards Tighten.

Minion and Yin were doing pretty well together. Whenever one of them was knocked down, they picked each other up. Tighten was difficult to beat with powers. Minion backhanded Tighten when the villain flew towards him and Yin made a brick wall that Tighten crashed into. It looked painful but Tighten recovered as he was indestructible. Yin had his police gun on him but he knew it wouldn't work. Not yet at least. Meanwhile in the Megamind Museum, Roxanne began running up and down the museums hallways until she found the place where the gun was held. The gun was on the ground, still intact. Sighing in relief, Roxanne picked up the gun and turned it on. Roxannes relief was short-lived as she groaned due to the gun needing to charge. "Aw, c'mon! It has to charge?!? Megamind, I love you but you seriously need inventions like this that don't need charged." she said in an annoyed tone.

Minion and Yin were running out of energy to fight off Tighten, who wasn't even breaking a sweat! No good for Megaminds two best friends. That was the time Roxanne came out of the museum. It was about time too. Roxanne tossed the gun to Yin and he caught it with ease. Yin saw it needed charged while it was tossed so once it was within his hands, he sped up the charging process and after one minute of holding the gun, it was fully charged. Yin then tossed it back to Roxanne, who stepped in front of Tighten. He skidded to a halt when he saw the gun. "Going somewhere?" Roxanne asked Tighten. Before he could fly off, Minion held him straight and in place while Yin drew his firearm and pointed it at Tighten. "You fuck with Megamind, you fuck with us and Metro City." Yin said. Roxanne then stuck the needle of the gun in Tightens nose, taking his abilities away. Tighten was now Hal once again.

Minion let go of Hal and Yin grinned. He took out handcuffs and put them on Hal. "Hal Stewart, you are under arrest for destruction of property, murder, and the kidnapping and torture of Megamind. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be used in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you do not have an attorney, we will assign one for you." Yin said to Hal as he brought him to the other police officers. Once Yin put Hal in the police car, he walked back to Roxanne and Minion. "You guys want to go to the hospital and check on Mega? I'll get everything cleaned up and visit him later." Yin said. Minion sighed. "I'll visit him later as well. He probably needs to see Roxanne more than us." Minion said. Roxanne was about to protest but they had a point. An entire month of not seeing Megamind drove her crazy.

Once Roxanne made it to the hospital, the front desk recognized her and immediately told her which room Megamind was in. Megamind was asleep and healing but he still looked awful. The blue alien opened his green eyes and smiled. "Did I die because I must be in Heaven as I see an angel." Megamind said. Roxanne chuckled and walked to Megamind. She embraced him but was gentle so she didn't cause Megamind anymore injuries. Megamind hugged back. "I missed you. So did everyone who cares about you." Roxanne said tearfully. "I missed you all too, especially you." Megamind said, also tearful. He was finally away from Tighten. He was back in a safe place. His eyes then widened. "But Tighten! Is he-?" Roxanne shushed Megamind. "He has been defeated and arrested." Roxanne said. Megamind sighed in relief. "Can I tell you something?" Megamind asked. "Sure." Roxanne said with a smile. "You look hot as hell in that Black Asp suit. Make sure you wear it during the honeymoon, will you?" That comment earned Megamind a slap on the chest and then a passionate kiss.

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