Chapter 3 (GORE).

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Megamind arrived at the prison entrance and ran in. He looked around. The place looked like a massacre and it filled Megamind with dread. As a villain, he never went this far. He knew the value of life if the person he was facing was defenseless. It made him feel ill to see all of this. He heard one inmate breathing heavily and ran over. It was one of the prisoners who helped raise him. His name was John. "Uncle John?" Megamind stuttered. John looked up at Megamind weakly. "I heard you..... got engaged last night." John said. Megamind nodded. "Yeah. I did. Maybe once you get better, the Warden might let you off for good behaviour and you could be at the wedding." the blue alien said. "It's too late for me, kiddo. I wanted to..... wait for you before I went.... Because I wanted...... to give you my..... congratulations. You deserve.... so much happiness. You were..... destined for greatness....." John said.

Megamind began tearing up. "No no no. You'll live. The ambulance is on their way." he said. John was silent as he took off a dog tag from around his neck. It had no name or any words on it. Just a plain dog tag. He handed it to Megamind, who hesitantly took it. "If I survive this, I will happily ask..... to see you get married. If not, I still....... want you to have this. It's my wedding gift to...... you. It's not much but...... it means a lot to me. I got it the day you crashlanded into....... the prison. You were like...... the son I never had. That was the happiest day of my life..."

(Start The Music Here.)

With that last comment, John shut his eyes. Megamind couldn't tell if John was dead or alive. A few tears ran down the ex-villains face. He wiped them away before going to find the Warden. He didn't want to leave the man who helped raise him but he had to and there was no time to cry. Megamind replace the sadness with determination and rage. Hal would pay for all of this. Megamind would mourn for the lives lost or changed in a negative way later. Right now he had a job to do. He ran down each hall, checked each room and office, every investigation room. Everywhere except one place: the Wardens office.

Megamind ran to the Wardens office and once Megamind found the Warden, the officer explained what happened. "It was just something in his eyes. It was like he was going through drug withdrawls. He looked crazed, almost enjoying the carnage." the Warden said. He wrapped his coat around his body to put pressure on his wound so that was why he was walking around with little problems. Guess he took Megamind's advice. Despite not being a doctor, Megamind had person experience in dealing with injuries that serious. "It terrified me and it takes quite a bit to scare me. It was that sudden." Warden added. The officer was pale as a ghost from not blood loss but fear. Megamind nodded at the last comment as he was led to Hal's cell, his old cell.

Two officers that were usually with the Warden were dead. The cell looked like a bloodbath. As Megamind observed the room in sheer, quiet horror, he heard the sirens for the ambulance. They finally arrived. Megamind sighed in relief. People could still be saved. "Go help with the survivors. I'll come with you. I need checked out anyway." Warden said. Megamind nodded and began helping the medics with the survivors. He was quiet throughout the whole process. Every word and action was a blur to him. He was just going through the motions. He had to. He had no choice as he had to be strong for Metro City.

Hal finally shot himself with the DNA ray and put on his suit before flying out of the building, breaking the museums roof in the process. It was payback time. He began looking for Roxanne but she was nowhere to be found. It pissed Tighten off. He decided to find Megamind. The ex-villain knew where Roxanne was hidden and Hal was going to get it out of him, one way or another. His rage was unmatched. He landed in the park and glared at the people who saw him. Tighten was back. "Where is Megamind?!?" he bellowed. Civilians ran left and right, trying to avoid Tighten's wrath. Tighten scowled. Of course they wouldn't know. They were just weaklings. Beneath him. He was a god and they should bow to him! Tighten then facepalmed. He had superhearing! Of course he could find Megamind on his own. He listened and pinpointed his enemies location. Tighten grinned. He could taste the sweet revenge upon his tongue.

Megamind just finished helping the medics get the surviving victims of the attack in the ambulance. The ones who didn't make it were taken to the morgue. It broke Megaminds heart to see the place he grew up in look like a slaughter house in the M-rated horror movies he watched with Roxanne. Unlike the movies however, this was real and he was in the smack center of it. John was thankfully going to survive but he was the most injured out of all the survivors as he was one of the prisoners who fought with Hal. The Warden went in one of the ambulances to the hospital so Megamind was alone until other officers who were off-duty arrived. He sighed and looked around. Although it was a prison, it was usually clean and well kept. He talked with the remaining police who were off that day and had to come in due to the incident. The ex-villain felt bad for those officers.

Once the remaining uninjured police left and the remaining uninjured prisoners were back in their cells, Megamind doublechecked everything before leaving. He would help clean up the mess but it wasn't his job. Right now he had to find Hal and bring him back to jail. As Megamind left the prison building, he was tackled to the ground. From the corner of his eye, Megamind could see Tighten. Megamind reached for his dehydration gun but Tighten took it and crushed it beneath his foot. Megamind began struggling to get free but Tighten had him pinned. Tighten then picked him up by the throat, causing Megamind to begin suffocating. "If you think I'm going to kill you, then you aren't wrong. I won't kill you yet though. I am gonna make you wish for death." Tighten said. "You sick bastard..." Megamind wheezed. "You murdered police and prisoners. I.... never went that far...."

Tighten squeezed Megaminds throat tighter, cutting off access to his airways. Megamind began struggling, crawling at Tighten's gloved hand as if it was a plea to let him go. To let him breathe. Tighten was choking him so bad that Megamind couldn't call for help and his vision to slowly turn black. Eventually the lack of oxygen caused Megamind to fall unconscious. Tighten could hear Megaminds heartbeat. Good. His rival wasn't dead yet. He let go of Megaminds neck before taking him to an abandoned building. It was Tighten's hideout for now and it was an old torture building. Why it was there was a mystery. Perhaps it was for historical reasons to show how cruel humans can be. Tighten found a chain and tied it to Megaminds ankle. He then began organizing the place to his liking. He wanted it to be enjoyable for him but not for Megamind. After everything was sorted, Tighten sat down in a chair and waited for Megamind to wake up.

Megamind came to an hour later. He looked at his surroundings as his vision cleared. It looked like an abandoned insane asylum or a prison from the early wars. Or an early hospital. He was unsure where he was but it was still terrifying. "So you finally decide to wake up." Tighten said with a sadistic grin. Megamind got up and tried to run but he tripped and fell. He looked at the chain tied around his ankle. It was knotted. Megamind got up and tried to keep some distance between himself and Tighten. The ex-villain was trying to think of how to get away from his captor. His heart was beating fast within his chest that it felt like it was going to pop out of his chest. No doubt Tighten could hear it. Megamind didn't show his fear though. He couldn't. Tighten took out the bloodied knife he took from the prison and grinned. Megamind's eyes widened. "I should be grateful, you know. You did leave quite a few useful things for me to read, such as a chart of the human and your alien anatomy. I memorized it. Good thing your body is similar to a humans or I would have a very difficult time trying to keep you alive while causing you immense pain.... Just like Roxanne did when she accepted your proposal of marriage...." Megamind remained silent. Of course it would be on the news in the prison. That wasn't surprising. What was surprising was how far Tighten got to get to this point. "Now we let the fun begin. Where shall we start?"

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