Chapter 6.

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Author's note: For those who didn't look up or crack the morse code themselves, here is the translation according to BOXENTRIQ:


Okay! You can continue reading now. Have a nice day!

Minion led Roxanne to a dark room. Silhouettes of objects surrounded the area but Minion stayed close to Roxanne wouldn't be afraid. Not that she was but it was nice to have someone to rely on to show which was dangerous or not. "Stay here." Minion said and ran towards the darkness. Lights eventually turned on and once Roxanne's eyes adjusted to the light, she looked around. It looked like a training arena. It had an obstacle course and everything. It looked pretty cool and nonlethal but if Roxanne knew her fianceé, the objects were anything but nonlethal. Minion then came upon a closet. He opened it and Roxanne was amazed at what she saw. It was a suit that looked like Megaminds but only more feminine and it seemed Megamind knew about her as well as she did with him because although it looked tight, it was the correct measurements.

"This is the Black Asp, Ma'am. It's a suit for you that Sir was saving for your birthday. Or Christmas. He couldn't decide. Sir made this so in case anything happened to him, you could defend yourself. Not that he doesn't trust you to do that but he wanted you to be able to fight with gadgets as well as he as backup. He also know you prefer cotton so he made the inside of the clothes cotton." Minion said. Roxanne teared up. Megamind knew she was a damsel in distress sometimes but not entirely defenceless. He saw her as an equal and made the suit special for her. "It's.... Perfect." Roxanne said. "So this is the Black Asp. You guys really have a thing for spiders and snakes, do you?" Minion shrugged. "Eh. His favorite holiday was Halloween so that is where he got most of his ideas." Roxanne's smile went away. "Was?" Minions eyes widened. "Is! I meant is! My bad. I'm just... Worried about losing him so I'm expecting to.... Not see him again." Roxanne smiled. "I understand. So is this place made for me to train?" Minion nodded. Roxanne grinned. "Then let's trained so I can save my fianceés ass."

"You were fantastic, Megamind. You took your failure in stride. And now you are in the company of me until Roxanne breaks off the engagement.... Or until you die. It's up to her, really." Tighten said with a dark chuckle. Megamind rolled his eyes. This was the same bullshit he used to pull as a villain. Nothing special. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" Tighten asked. Megamind chuckled. "As a matter of fact, I did. Want me to do my taunting eyebrow too? I've been working on it." Tightens grip got tighter on Megaminds arm. "Are you being smart with me?!?" Megamind chuckled more. "More like smartass. You're easy to piss off as it was easy to defeat you before." the ex-villain said. Tighten growled and threw Megamind into a wall. "You defeated me once. You were defeated countless times." Tighten said. Megamind grinned wider. "Good." he thought. "Keep your attention on me. Forget about Roxanne, you twisted bastard. Have all eyes on me." Megamind cleared his throat before saying with a big grin of his face "Says the one who tried to destroy a whole city because he got a boner that wasn't fixed."

WHAM! That got Megamind thrown across the room. The blue alien got up and dusted himself off despite his broken bones. He was able to heal slightly faster than humans. Always been able to. "Awwwww.... Did I hit a nerve? Or am I right? Are you even able to get it up?" Megamind ducked when a piece of equipment was thrown at him. Megamind kept this up. He looked at the knife on Tightens belt. He had to get that knife. Had to. It could be used as evidence to build a case against Tighten once he was away from all of this. Before he could make another snarky retort for Tighten to get close enough so that he can steal the knife under his nose, the red-haired brat said something that made his blood boil. "Once Roxanne is mine, she will be the best trophy there ever was. And if she refuses, I might have to snap her neck."

Tighten then saw Megamind's eyes. The thin yellow line around his emerald green irises turned a blood red. The alien then charged at him and punched Tighten in the face. He managed to bruise Tighten, whose powers should've made him indestructible! Each time Tighten got up, Megamind pushed him back down. To Tighten it was a fight that needed to be put to rest but to Megamind, he was in kill mode.... He had no idea what was going on. All his mind could process was his target and that it needed to be destroyed. To him he was at the front wheel of a car but was unable to control that car. His vision was red too. "YOU CAN TORTURE ME ALL YOU WANT BUT IF YOU LAY A FINGER ON ROXANNE AND COMPARE HER TO AN OBJECT, YOU WILL BE FUCKING BOWING TO ME BY THE TIME I'M DONE WITH YOU!" The normal part of Megamind was stunned to hear him yell at such a high octave and of pure rage no less. This couldn't be him! ......Could it?

Tighten was confused but also angry. Why was Megamind stronger than him? Why was he able to take him down? The first time they fought he kicked Megaminds ass before his powers were taken away. Tighten eventually grabbed Megamind in an armlock and held him in it. The ex-villain was growling and clawing like a predator trying to kill a bigger prey. Eventually Megamind began choking and the thin ring around his irises turned from red to his normal yellow hue. Tighten let him go and Megamind fell to the ground. He groaned and saw the knife on the floor. He scooped it up before Tighten could see and hid it in his glove sleeve before Tighten picked him up and threw him back in his "cell". Megamind looked through the bars of his cage and his eyes widened at the sight. The place was an entire mess. Most of the torture equipment was broken or even destroyed. Tighten then flew back to his cell door. "You will be punished for this once I decide what your punishment will be. I don't know how you managed to do that but I know that the next time it happens, I will make you suffer even more than you already are." Tighten then walked off and then flew away out of the building to god knows where.

Megamind went to the bed and laid on it. He was raised in prison so he was used to prison beds. Megamind knew his time was slowly running out. He hid the knife under the mattress after laying down and turned to face the wall. He slowly began to sob. He was trying to stay strong for Metro City but for most of all, Minion and Roxanne. He missed Roxanne. They were supposed to be thinking of who to invite to the wedding but he was stuck here with no plan on how to escape. Not without Tighten knowing. As he sobbed, Megamind began thinking of how he was going to remain strong and not break before Tighten. He had to think of a way to escape before the month was up. Megamind began praying in his mind. He wasn't a religious person but he wasn't a nonbeliever either. He actually wanted the wedding to be at Roxanne's church anyway. He was praying to have strength to keep fighting Tighten until he thought of a way to escape or until Roxanne or anyone else came for him. He wanted to go home.

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