Chapter 8.

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Music Man arrived at the back-up lair and went into the computer room where Minion was looking at the screens. The ex-hero tapped Minions robotic shoulder gently and the sentimental fish turned around to face him. "Hey. Did you find anything?" Music Man asked. Minion shook his head. "Did you?" Minion asked. Music Man sighed. "I did but before I get into it, I have a question to ask: Did Megamind ever get angry enough to.... Cause unnatural damage?" Minions eyes widened in realization and fear. It was as if he knew what Music Man was talking about. The fish sighed and motioned over to a chair. "Better sit down for this, Music Man. It's a long story." Once Music Man sat down, Minion began his tale.

Fifteen year old Megamind was in juvie. In that juvie was a school and he was talking to a boy named Yin Shorts. The kid was in for two months on the account of stealing a pair of sneakers but other than that he was a decent guy. No criminal record except for the petty stealing crime that got him in the juvie and just a decent human being. Yin was one of the first kids that did not care if Megamind was blue or had a big head. Megamind could bring Minion but he couldn't bring him to classes. Yin found Minion cool and didn't mind that Megamind carried him around during free periods. The kid would even ask Megamind and Minion questions about their species, wanting to know about them. He WANTED to be their friend and even made a bag for Megamind to swing over his shoulder to put Minion in so his hands were free. Yin even stood up for Megamind when he couldn't stand up for himself and was supportive of the blue nerd.

One day that all changed. Not the friendship Yin and Megamind had but what occured when that bond was in danger. Yin was surrounded by five older boys and they were beating him up because they saw him hanging out with Megamind, who came around the corner and his eyes widened at what he saw. His first friend besides Minion was being hurt all because he was friends with him. The realization hit Megamind like a brick and it made him feel guilty. Guilty and.... Angry? Yes. Angry. No, furious. As he pondered these feelings, Megamind felt his blood boil with an unspeakable and indescribable rage. One that was never seen by humans. It was then Megamind realized that he couldn't describe what kind of fiery rage this was to himself. It was consuming him, like another part of him taking control. Minion saw Megaminds yellow ringlets around his emerald green irises turn an eerie blood red, coloring the blue aliens eyes into a darker hue. Minion began trembling in his little bubble. Megamind put Minion down gently before charging at the older boys with a cry of fear and pure rage. Mostly rage though. There was not enough fear in him left when in this state. All Megamind could see was red. Megamind grabbed each boy and literally threw the boys off of Yin, causing them to hit the walls and lockers.

The boys got up and attacked back like caveman hunters chasing a wild boar. They were furious that the blue-headed nerd stood up to them. There was no logic in this. Only survival of the fittest. One charged at Megamind but as they got close to him, Megamind punched him in the stomach, sending the enemy flying into another kid. One got out a homemade knife (it's prison. People are smart) and went to stab Megamind but the teen disarmed him and kicked him away, sending the boy crashing into another. One boy tried to grab Megamind in a rage, reaching for the blue teens neck, but Megamind sidestepped and they ran into a wall. A typical Charlie Brown-like move but it worked and Megamind didn't have to lay on hand on him. Megamind then bashed the boys head into the wall nefore the dazed bully could get it together enough to attack again. The headslam into the wall was enough for a concussion but not enough to kill. Despite his uncontrollable rage, Megamind made sure to not kill the boys. Another part of him was holding him back from doing that. It was like keeping a rabid dog on a leash. The Megamind most people knew was thr leash while the Megamind who was in control was the rabid dog. Every time the boys tried to attack Megamind, they ended up getting tossed away. Eventually the boys stopped trying to attack Megamind. They were too injured to. They broke some bones but they lived.

Before Megamind could see if his friend was okay, police took him and Minion away. They wouldn't let a bruised Yin explain what happened as they took Megamind away. As he was taken away, Megaminds eyes turned to their normal hue and he had no idea what happened. It was like he lost time. He couldn't recall it. He was confused and scared. When the officers explained what happened, Megamind broke down into tears and asked about Yins welfare and if he was okay but the officers did not give him an answer. Megamind never cried in front of people before. After hours of asking and pleading for an answer which never came to him, Megamind assumed the worst thing that could happen to him: He killed his only human friend. After being accused of the attack on Yin, Megamind was given his first life sentence.....

"...Sir was never the same after that day. He felt so much guilt that he shut down and didn't eat for three days. He really thought he killed the only human friend he made. When interrogated by it, he couldn't remember the event or what even happened. In his traumatized state he blocked the event out. It was the shame and not knowing that he was innocent. But those accusations and his assumptions it lead him more downward towards evil. The Warden fired those officers that same week as they always tried to pin blame on Sir and other inmates. So when Sir saw your "death" and really thought he killed you, that was one of the reasons why he took it so hard but he thought it was because he had no ying to his yang. But I knew the truth. I knew why he was upset. I never brought up what happened all those years ago as I don't know what to expect if I brought back that horrible memory. He never used that power for years due to blocking the memory of him doing it...."

"This ability. Do you know what it is called?" Music Man asked. "I think it is called Emotional Manipulation or something like that. I could be wrong. His race could only trigger it if they got too mad, scared, or stressed to an extent that they needed to protect themselves or anyone they are close to. Tighten must have said something to Sir about Roxanne or about Sir himself to trigger such a response.... Makes me wonder if he will remember all those traumatic events happening to him as a teen...." Minion said with a sigh. Music Man had tears running down his face. He felt really bad for Megamind. To be blamed for something that wasn't his fault. And by faking his death he unknowingly made Megamind almost break down. He knew that wasn't his fault but he still should've thought through the entire retiring process beforehand. He basically made Megamind have a deja vú moment that he couldn't even remember. He wiped his tears away. It was time to get down to business.

"Now it's my turn to share information as promised. I used my super speed to try to find Megamind and I did in an old building that was once a hospital for the criminally insane. It was shut down before any of our generation was born. It's a landmark to let the city know that it was okay to send people who commit crimes to hospitals to get help but not to torture them. Guess Tighten was part of that field trip and used it to his advantage. But I never seen so much anger in his eyes. Tighten must've said something to piss Megamind off enough to actually cause physical harm to his captor. I guess it is triggered when it involves someone he cares about." Music Man said. Minion nodded. "It does. Now let's come up with a plan. I think Roxanne is ready." Music Man looked confused. "Uhhh.... What?"

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