Chapter 1.

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"Hello. Roxanne Ritchie on channel 8 news reporting live at the Megamind museum. As you know, today marks the first anniversary of Megamind becoming a hero so to celebrate the museum is open for free to the public. Megamind should be making his entrance soon but for now I am Roxanne Ritchie from channel 8 news." Once the cameras were off her, Roxanne sighed in relief. She couldn't wait to be clocked out of her job for the night. She was Megaminds date to the museum free night. She smiled as she thought of her boyfriend. He has made up for his wrongdoings not just for her but also for Metro City. She was really proud of him. She then heard a car pull up but no car. She smirked. She walked to the street where a car would park and reached out. Her palm touched something. Something metal. A car window rolled down. Roxanne crossed her arms and smirked. "You're getting better at detecting this car. Better than me." the driver said. Roxanne chuckled. "Good to see you too, Blue. But like I said, you are predictable." Megamind chuckled. "Just get in the car before I kidnap you again." he joked.

After driving for a few minutes, Megamind broke the silence. "How was work? I saw you on TV and you did great but I mean after the cameras were off." Roxanne smiled tiredly. "Same old thing." she said. "I swear, you need a promotion." Megamind said with a smile. Roxanne chuckled. "I like where I am. No promotion needed or wanted." Roxanne said. Megamind parked behind the museum and sighed. "Uh... Roxy? What do you think of marriage? Between us?" he asked. Roxanne looked at him.

"That's a pretty good question. I would love to be married but I would want to know if there was good place to live for two people. Or for more if we want have kids. I would want to work out how and what we would have to pay for to split the bills, and so on. I want to be prepared, you know?"  Megamind nodded, making a mental checklist in his head. His lair was made to fit more than one person and it had a safe security system so that was a good sign. He could fix it up to be more.... Homey if needed. He had spare rooms that had nothing in them so if there were any kids in their future, they would have a bedroom or two. He paid for all his inventions so any bills related to electricity he could pay for, such as phone, heat, and even the electricity itself. Yes. He had basically everything Roxanne required!

"What if everything you just said was resolved?" Megamind asked. "Then I would happily get married." Roxanne said with a smile. Megamind smiled back as he got out of the car and then opened Roxannes door for her. "Such a gentleman." she said as she got out of the car. After sharing a kiss with each other, they went into the museum from the back. The mayor greeted them excitedly and began going over the events of the night. Roxanne was fully paying attention but Megamind's attention was elsewhere. It was on Roxanne. He was mentally praying for Roxanne to accept his proposal when he asked her. He had to get a yes or his heart would just be crushed. He wouldn't go the same path Hal/Tighten did but he would be upset.

"Megamind?" The mayor finally got his attention. "Oh. Yes. Thank you, mayor." Megamind said, pretending to have been paying attention this whole time.  The mayor nodded and walked off to talk to the people who were arriving too early. Everyone wanted to meet their hero but it wasn't time yet. Roxanne turned to him. "You have no idea what he said, do you?" Megamind shook his head and whispered "Nope.", popping the "p" in the word. Roxanne chuckled and kissed Megamind on the cheek before going to look around the museum before it got crowded with fans. Megamind smiled as Roxanne as she walked away. Yes. Tonight he was going to propose.

Finally the museum opened and it was swarmed with people. A lot of pictures were taken and autographs signed. Megamind was running low on fumes, the ring burning a hole in his pocket metaphorically. He looked for Roxanne. She was interviewing people at the museum. He then had an idea. He quickly gave one of Roxanne's cameramen a note and told them to have Roxanne read it when she was live again. Megamind checked the time. She would be on in two minutes. He quickly made himself scarce from the news reporters and went back into the museum to talk to more fans all while keeping his eyes on the clock.

Soon Roxanne was getting ready for her news broadcast. Megamind watched from afar. "Hello and welcome back to channel 8. I am Roxanne Ritchie reporting live at the Megamind museum. The museum is booming with excitement and fans from all of Metro City came to see the citys hero Megamind." The cameraman then gave Roxanne the note. Once she saw her boyfriends name on it, she opened it up. "It seems Megamind wrote a note for the city. Megamind wrote "Roxanne Ritchie will you marry me". In other news-!" Roxanne then gasped, the notes contents finally hitting her like a brick. Megamind was behind her on one knee and the ring in his hand. Roxanne teared up. Everyone from the museum and on TV were watching this go down. Roxanne smiled and said to her boyfriend with honesty coming from the bottom of her heart and said "Yes." Everyone cheered as Megamind put the ring on Roxanne's finger and then kissed her.

At the prison, the Warden and his men watched this go down from the TV in Hal's prison room. The prisoner on the other hand was not amused. In fact, he was furious. If he was still Tighten, he would've smashed Megamind into the ground. Roxanne didn't deserve Megamind. Roxanne deserved him! Hal wanted payback. He wanted Megamind to suffer for taking his girl.... But he had to get out first. In the entire year he was in prison, Hal had been planning his escape. The prison guards had no idea that he was planning to escape for this long as he was always on his "best behaviour". Got to blend in somehow. He was going to get payback, even if it meant hurting innocent people if they got in his way. But first he needed the Warden to open his cell door....

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