Chapter 4 (GORE, TORTURE).

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Tighten broke Megaminds ankle chain and brought him to a table, where the ex-villain was strapped down with brown leather straps. Tighten made the straps so tight they were cutting off circulation in Megaminds hands and feet. Tighten took the knife and stabbed Megamind in his stomach but not where vital organs could be pierced. Megamind let out a groaning noise from his throat, feeling the sharp pain of the knife. The ex-villain wanted to savor his energy and if he screamed he would not only waste that previous energy but also give in to Tighten's desires of tormenting him enough that it caused him to beg for mercy. Megamind was not exactly the begging kind when it came to situations like this. No one elses life was in danger yet. Only his. Tighten was not hurting civilians now. He was only hurting him. He just had to keep Tighten's mind set on hurting him. Megaminds thoughts were broken when Tighten took the knife out and stabbed him again. The blue alien clenched his teeth and groaned louder. Tighten kept repeating the process but not once did Megamind scream. Not a single time. It angered Tighten to see Megamind not succumb to the pain and plead for mercy.

Hours drilled on as Tighten stabbed new wounds into Megamind or reopened old ones. Megamind always got close to passing out from blood loss but another jab of pain from the knife would wake him right up. Tighten eventually gave up for the time being and released Megamind before dragging him to a cell and throwing him in, causing the ex-villain to cough up some blood. The metallic taste lingered a bit so Megamind had to spit some of it out. He winced as he sat himself up against the wall, his blood seeping onto the concrete floor and staining it a very dark red. He would live but he felt lightheaded and dizzy. He needed to rest and heal. Megamind knew the torture wasn't over but he took the opportunity that Tighten gave him to recover and closed his eyes, leading himself to the sweet bliss of sleep.

"Hey! Wake up." Megaminds eyes opened wide. Tighten didn't give Megamind a chance to get up as Tighten lifted him up by the collar of his suit. "Answer me this question and I'll let you go. Where is Roxanne?" Megamind didn't reply. He only glared at Tighten, who glared back and pinned him against the wall of the cell. "ANSWER ME!" Tighten said. Megamind looked at Tighten in the eyes and said in a voice full of venom "You will never find her so go to Hell." Tighten held the knife to Megaminds neck. Why Tighten still had the knife was unknown but one theory Megamind would have had if he wasn't thinking about his survival would be to add fear to Tighten's stolen powers. The ex-villain kept his mouth shut though. He already decided he would die, taking the location of his secret backup hideout to the unmarked grave with him.

"You got two more chances to tell me where Roxanne is hidden or you will be punished." Tighten warned. Megamind took a quick and deep breath before saying "Then punish me. I will NEVER tell you where she is. You would kill her the moment I tell you." Tighten grabbed Megaminds hand and broke his index and middle fingers. Megamind clenched his teeth and groaned. "Last chance." Tighten warned. Megamind glared at Tighten, spit in his face, and then said in a whisper. "Fuck you...." Tighten broke Megaminds ring finger and pinky in response. "That's what you call punishment? How weak." Megamind taunted. "Oh that was just the preview. The punishment I'm gonna give you is far worse...."

Tighten brought Megamind to a pool full of water. The ex-villain laughed. "Seriously? If I wanted a swim, I would've gone to the YMCA." Before Megamind could make another retort, Tighten pushed him in the pool and held Megamind under before the ex-villain could make it to the surface for a quick breath of air. He was given no time to prepare himself for this. That was when Megamind started freaked out. Megamind wasn't afraid of water and was an excellent swimmer but he had an extreme phobia of drowning. Megamind clawed at his tormentors hand with his good hand as if begging for air. He was panicking and he needed to breath. Tighten pushed him further down. Megamind couldn't hold his breath anymore and his panicked screams where replaced with bubbles. That was the only time he screamed. The only time.

A few times Tighten would let Megamind come up to the surface and then hold him under again as soon as he took a single breath of air. Megamind could heard Tightens laughter above him as he suffocated from the water. Megamind felt like his lungs would burst from holding what breath he did have for too long. He didn't give up fighting though. Megamind wanted to live! He thrashed under the water, screaming for air. But like before, bubbles took place of his screams. His throat was aching from the burning sensation of the back of his throat via is screams from beneath the surface. He was panicking. He couldn't breathe! He needed air! He was desperate for it. He did not want to die!

Soon Megamind stopped fighting and felt cold. The water was finally getting cold. He could feel himself getting chilled. He could feel his lungs filling up with water. Not only was he going to drown but he was going to freeze to death too. After one last failed attempt to reach the surface, Megaminds vision went black. Tighten pulled Megamind out of the water and groaned in annoyance. He honestly thought Megamind would've last longer. Thankfully he was a lifeguard when in high school as it was a summer job so Tighten knew CPR. Tighten brought the unconscious Megamind back to the cell and began the CPR.

A few minutes passed before Megamind woke up coughing up water. His lungs hurt and so did his throat. How long was he out? Did he die? He didn't know. Megamind didn't question it right now. Right now he just wanted to be grateful that he was alive. "Good. You're awake. When I said punished I meant punish you, not kill you. I don't want you dead just yet." Tighten said as Megamind began taking lungfuls of air after his coughing fit, basically swallowing it and breathing it in. He looked around and saw he was back in the cell Tighten put him in. He groaned. "Satan, is that you?" Megamind said with a dry chuckle. Tighten glared at his captive. "I will be the devil if you don't tell me where Roxanne is." Tighten responded. Megamind chuckled. "Up yours." he said. That got Megamind a few broken ribs. Worth it though. Tighten then smiled. "I better get a camera. All of Metro City will love to see where their hero went off to."

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