Chapter Two

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It was dark, all the stars present in the sky as we sat on the hood of his beat up Camaro. I had a woolen blanket around my shoulders with his fedora sitting on my head.

I couldn't ever recall a time that I had been so peaceful, and happy.

I looked over at him, his dark hair almost blending in with the sky as he leaned against the windsheild of his car. His eyes were closed with his chin tilted toward the heavens. A faint bruise was forming on his jaw and I resisted the urge to gently probe it. I really hoped it wasn't broken.

"Why are you staring at me, Princess?" He mumbled. I blushed, not that he could see it with his eyes closed. Instead, I layed back beside him, hugging the blanket tighter around myself.

"Because I've never seen something so beautiful." I knew it was cheesy. I knew that he'd tell me I was delusional. I knew he'd tell me I was just his friend with benefits that he hauled all over the United States. I knew this.

But what he said next surprised me even more.

"Obviously you haven't looked in the mirror lately." He turned, his eyes opening and the green and yellow stared straight into my soul. My breath hitched in my throat.

"What? No snarky comeback? You've turned on me, Ace. Where's the usual lecture?" I asked. He smirked before leaning up on his elbows.

"That went out the window the moment I laid eyes on you." He leaned forward, touching his lips to mine. I shivered, and it wasn't from the cold.

"I think I love you." He murmured. I gave in, right at that moment, because I knew that no matter how hard I fought it, I loved him too.

I awoke with a start, my heart pounding in my chest and sobs ripping through my throat. When would this pain ever go away? When could I stop dreaming? Tears leaked down my face as I looked outside, rain was pattering against the window.

You would have thought it'd be soothing, but it was the exact opposite. All I could think about was the first time he kissed me. We had just escaped a bar where he nearly got himself killed. The rain was pouring heavily around us as we stood beside his car.

He kissed me then. And that was when I knew I was completely lost. I was done for. I had fallen in love with him.

A life of adventure in front of me, and I fell for him.

I was really messed up.

I glanced around, half hoping that he'd come in with a large smile and McDonald's in his hands and the other half, hoping he was rotting in Hell.

All I really wanted, was my mother. I haven't seen her in two years. And I really wanted to see her now. But I couldn't. She'd made me leave. Telling me that I wasn't wanted anymore, and that I would have a nice life with Mr. Mystery.

How I missed her hugs.

Living in Foster's Corner wasn't how I expected it to be. I was still being haunted by nightmares and sadness. Grief and shame. It was all there. No matter how far I ran or tried to forget, it's all still there. There was no escaping it.

I stood from the springy and soiled mattress. I walked down the hall to the tiny bathroom of my shitty apartment and turned on the shower head. I needed to relax. I needed to calm myself and get my mind on something else.

Waiting a few moments, I climbed into the shower. The luke warm water beat against my back and I turned, allowing the water to wash away the stains left on my cheeks from my tears.

Yesterday I had joined Ice and her friend Jared. Jared was nice, but almost the exact opposite of Ice. He had big clunky glasses and freckles out the wazzo. Along with slightly oily and disheveled brown hair that flopped into his face. Puberty had not been kind to the kid, but he was nice, and accepted me.

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