Chapter Nine

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A/N I got bored today, so thought I'd write you guys something. I got another idea, kinda like this one, for a story, where I base a story around a song? Ever heard of Halestorm's I Miss The Misery? Well, if you would like to hear about my devious little creations >:) please, vote or comment!

Also, if you've seen the recent story I put up, Princess Perfect, I KNOW OKAY? I KNOW! I'm totally overwhelming myself and putting off my studies. I know this. I swear. But I've been writing in between studying. (I'm so going to fail my finals and not graduate..) But These are just things I wish to complete this year. Princess Perfect, I Knew You Were Trouble, Renegade Robbers, I Wish I Didn't Dream Of Genie, and Slayers: Book Two. All these I hope to finish in the year of 2013. And also start, FLIPPED. I wanna finish that one, and maybe even put up the next part to Finding Ryker. UGH. I'm so awful.

For the record, I hope to finish this story this month, since I've been writing it so quickly. Guess we'll see.

Okay, read on!


I was practically bouncing around in my chair, waiting for Evan to show up. I was anxious, but you already knew that didn't you?

My gaze fell to the clock for the third time in the last five minutes. It was eight fifty seven. he was supposed to be here in seventeen minutes and twenty six seconds.

Yes, I am counting the seconds.

I REALLY wanted to know what had happened at burning man.

I sighed and fell onto my back and stared up at the ceiling.

I remember the last time I partied with him before the mishap in the middle of the desert.

He pulled me through the crowd as gyrating bodies pressed against us and filled the room. We were here to have fun, but I knew there was something he wasn't telling me. Something big.

Before we left he had me change into a tight dress and heels, saying I had to look presentable, when I felt anything but. I knew I looked like the other hooker wanna-bes but if he wanted it, who was I to tell him no?

The room flashed with blue, green, and white strobe lights while a DJ at the very back messed with a record and filled the room with a pounding bass, causing the cement floor to vibrate with the beat. I glanced around worriedly, as I felt eyes scan down my body shamlessly by men around the edges of the room.

Automatically, I glued myself to his side, to avoid getting drugged up or raped. He laughed lowly, but I could still hear it. He released my death grip from his arm and turned, spreading his arms out wide.

"Welcome to the party, Darlin'!" He shouted to me. I smiled shyly.

A bleach blonde girl walked up and began seducing him, but I knew it was working. His hungry gaze drifted over her body and my stomach lurched. I couldn't watch this. I grabbed the nearest cute guy and batted my eyelashes.

It all went down hill from there. Next thing I knew, I was dancing wildly to the music, drugs and alcohol pumping through my system. Roofies and Jack didn't mix well, because I found myself hurling onto the floor.

God, I hate my life.

I came back to Earth after spacing out and I sighed, sitting up straight and rubbing my head from the pounding headache starting from my temple. I don't know what I was thinking.

Who was that? Who was I? I had never been into drugs until then. I can't stand alcohol or drugs of any kind now.

I dropped my head into my hands, trying to make the pounding subside. There was a knock on the door and my gaze snapped up to the clock on the wall.

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