Chapter Four

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"So do you have everything?" Sarah asked. I looked down at the overwhelming amount of papers in my hands and sighed.

"Yeah, I do." I replied. Sarah clapped her hands excitedly.

"Excellent! Well I'll be back in six weeks on the twenty second. You behave now, and if you have any questions don't be afraid to call." She extended a bill and a piece of paper with her number on it. I looked down at it confused, but then met her gaze.

She winked.

"I heard your stomach growling down the block. Fifty should be enough to get some canned food from the store to last you a while." She smiled and then picked up her carry on bag before bounding out the door.

"Bye, Willow!" She shouted. I smiled and shoved the fifty dollar bill into my back pocket.

I went  behind the front desk where the cash register was and also the dry cleaning bills. With a sigh, I dropped the piles of paper work onto the desk and made myself comfy in the spinning computer chair.

I opened the first file and got busy reading.

After about two hours, I found myself watching funny cat videos on Youtube on the monitor sitting on the desk. I chuckled when a cat started doing the thriller dance.

When the bell above the door opened, I quickly exited out of the browser and darted my head down to make it look like I was reading the ten plus files sitting before me. Footsteps echoed through the room and a pair of beat up Converse stopped in my line of vision.

I looked up.

"May I help you?" I asked before becoming completely speechless. The boy standing before me had to be about eighteen or nineteen with dark hair and a faint five o'clock shadow. He was fit and wore a beanie on top of his head.

"Yeah, you got change for a five?" He asked. I gaped, watching his small lip ring move as he spoke. I was never a fan of them, but the one on the right side of his mouth had my complete attention. It was sexy, I wasn't going to lie.

I realized I was staring and cleared my throat, pulling away from his gorgeous brown eyes.

"Uh, Yeah. Yeah I do." I popped open the register and he handed over the five. His hands were scarred and had small black streaks all over. He wore a silver band on his middle right finger and I couldn't help but admire how attractive his hands looked.

God, what was I thinking! The last time I admired someone's hands, I ended up stranded in the middle of the desert and had to walk ten miles to the nearest gas station. I was seriously messed up.

I passed him four ones and four quarters.

He smiled and swung a big plastic sack full of dirty clothes over his shoulder, where it landed with a thump on the ground. I got a glimpse of Superman boxers and I looked away with a blush.

Jeez, I needed  help.

"...around town." His voice rumbled across the room as he sifted through his large amount of dirty laundry.

"Uh, I'm sorry, what?" I asked. He laughed.

"Are you new here? I've never seen you around town." He said. I blushed harder.

"Uh, yeah. I just moved here a few days ago. I came from...Arizona." I said with a cough. He turned to look at me from over his shoulder and I couldn't help but blush harder at the fact that I could clearly see his butt.

I wasn't exactly complaining at the view either...

"Arizona?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I nodded.

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