Chapter Sixteen

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I looked around, trying to find a decent enough escape route. I really didn't want to do this here or now. It was just too much.

Not only have I had to reject one boy, but I have a date with another in three hours. Too many boys, too little time. I was suprised I didn't spontaneously combust from being overwhelmed. I watched, completely frozen as Ben checked the time on his watch.

"Is that...?" She began I cut her off with a vigorous nod.

"Get me out of here." I begged. She said nothing but looked around the parking lot frantically. Evan was walking up and I nearly breathed a sigh of relief. I briskly grabbed his arm and pulled him aside.

"Look, I really need your help. I'm trying to avoid someone and I don't want them to see me. Can you walk beside Sarah and I'll walk behind you guys? I really don't want to talk to them." I begged. He agreed before I even finished my sentence.

And that was how I ended up in Homeroom without any more confrontations. It's been a pretty productive day, I'd say.

Sarah was next to me, chattering on about some boy she ran into out looking for a job while I was working two days ago.

Over all, my job at the laundry mat was great. I've been working every day, making money and paying off bills and looking into a car. I hope to have enough saved up in a few weeks to buy one. At least off a used car dealership.

Although the morning went over smoothly, I began to feel nervous as lunch approached. I was supposed to meet Jax out in the parking lot, and I was beginning to feel jitters in my stomach.

Sarah was talking about a band coming in town this Saturday that in her opinion 'totally rocked'.

"What's the name of the band?" I asked. She smiled.

"The Clairaudients." She said. I nodded, recognizing the name of the band that Evan listened to in his car often.

"Why don't you ask Evan. He loves them." I said. Sarah glanced over.

"Evan likes them?" She asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, he was playing their music in the car this morning." I said. She frowned.

"I guess I wasn't paying attention." She said. I laughed and shoved her shoulder gently. Sarah could be oblivious...sometimes. It didn't happen often.

"You should ask him. I'm sure he'd love to go." I said. She seemed to think it over for a moment before nodding in agreement.

"Okay, I'll ask. Hey, don't you have a date with Jax in about five minutes?" She asked, checking her watch. My stomach lurched and I worried I'd be sick.

"Yeah." I don't know why I was feeling this way. Shouldn't I be excited to see Jax? Why do I feel so...I don't know, nervous, uncomfortable, maybe a little scared?

Once again, Ben shows up and turns my life upside down. He always had a knack for that. I looked up at the clock in the hall and then, noticing the time, I said goodbye to Sarah and ran out the door to meet Jax in the lot.

He was leaning against his Indian and I whistled. His head turned in my direction and I sauntered over.

"I see you brought your baby?" I said. He ran a hand over the leather seat.

"I know how much you love it." He smirked and despite my messed up life and unidentifiable emotions, my heart fluttered.

"Well then. Ready to go?" I asked. He passed me a helmet and swung his leg over his bike, gesturing for me to climb aboard. I happily did so, and we drove out of the lot and to the diner.

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