'What about you?' I asked 

   'I am out of town this weekend actually' he said vaguely, it was strangely the same as Taehyung had told me. 

      'oh that's nice' I replied, though I was a bit disappointed because I was just thinking it might be nice to meet up again.

     'yeah' he said with the biggest smile and now I was very curious as to where he was going. 

     'Well, I am going to go home, enjoy your weekend Jimin!' I said and then left. 


It was nice to be in heaven again for a change. I first spent time with my family before going to the place I would meet Amy. I was there first and saw her approaching me from a distance. 

She sat down next to me 'so how is it going on earth?' she asked in her soft voice. 

I shrugged 'it's fine, but as I told you that demon joined and he gets on my nerves a lot, plus teenagers are behaving pretty badly nowadays'. 

 Amy chuckled 'yes I can imagine.. They are terrible creatures, the demons I mean.'

    'What about the girl?' she asked curiously. 

      'I uh' I saw y/ns face in front of me, I couldn't stop myself from smiling. and then the dancing moment replaying my mind. I really did want to kiss her but that's not how it should be, it's not right or fair. 

I was sent to earth to be her friend and only her friend. In a few months she will need to make a choice and I wanted to be there for her. 

Plus there was Amy and none of this was fair to her.

   'I miss you though' Amy said slightly nervous as I didn't answer her question. There was a silence

    'I miss you too' I said with a soft smile. and  relief filled her face, she put her hand on mine.

The bad thing; it felt wrong to hold her hand. This thought alone sent a fear throughout my body 


I was finally back in hell. I didn't feel the need to see my parents that much but I was about to meet someone else. The door opened and she appeared

Speak of the devil

    'Muriel' I said with a smirk as she made her way towards me sitting on my lap.

    'How are things?' I asked while my hands roamed her long black hair.

    'less fun now that you're away, but you know me I stay occupied, Jungkook turns out to be a lot of fun too' she answered confidently and I chuckled

   'How is human school?' she asked while placing her lips on mine

    'I'd rather have a conversation with my dad than be there' I replied while she went down towards my neck   

   'It's that bad huh?'

I took off her shirt 'but I'm not interested in talking about that now' I moaned as her hands made their way to my crotch. 

   'Then let's not' she panted. 

After our "session" we laid in bed 

   'So did you already fuck the halfy?' Muriel asked, and y/ns face appeared in my mind, and I felt something I didn't quite understand.

   'No, she doesn't seem to be as easy as I thought' 'I mean she is still a part angel. so she disgusts me and I disgust her' I added though it was a lie, y/n didn't disgust me at all which was weird.

   'Sure but you are the legendary Kim Taehyung' she chuckled trailing my neck again with kisses.

  'hmm hmm yes I am'

   'So you want to make a bet?' she suddenly suggested 

    'a bet?' I asked confused. 

   'Yes, I bet you can't get the halfy in bed at the end of this month' Muriel said confidentially. I let out a chuckle. 

   'And what if I can?' I smirked 

     'well, what do you want?' she asked kissing me shortly. 

  'I guess just a favor, that I can collect whenever, I mean a favor with Lucifer's daughter, the princess herself'

she chuckled 'fine, and what do I get if you can't?' she asked, I trailed my hands from her upper body towards her inner thighs. 

    'What do you want?' I asked, but rather rhetorically. I won't lose this bet, it's not that difficult to get a horny human teenage girl into bed. 

She moaned 'a favor sounds like a good idea', 

    'Then that's a deal' I agreed


Sunday I thought about calling someone to meet up but Yeji was being a brat and kind of ignoring me and Seojoon was studying his lines for the audition he had on Monday; he didn't care much about anything except for his dream of being an actor. For that, he really gave his all. 

Grandma was volunteering again so I was home alone. 

Perhaps I could already start on the assignment? Grandma had a special edition of Romeo & Juliet, she once showed it to me. Maybe I can use that. I went into her study and searched for it. I stumbled upon an envelope which fell out of the cabin and all the papers inside were spread out on the floor.


I started to pick them up one by one when my eyes fell on the title of a particular one.

"Adoption papers"

I swallowed and read the whole thing. 

It was all about me. 

What in the world was this? 

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