[3] Nice To Meet You

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Karen's P.O.V.

"We have new family to meet." I whispered in my husband's ear as I came up from behind, wrapping my arms around his waist, pulling him into my embrace. The smell of his Burberry cologne invaded my nostrils. He melted into my arms as my head rested on his fit back.

We had been together for years, but whenever me and him connected. It felt like our first time. I knew as long as the fire was felt whenever we shared the slightest touch. The love we had for each other was still stronger than ever.

"Who?" He said, bringing his attention off the conversation him and Aunt Kelly were having and on to me. I watched as Aiden stirred in Aunt Kelly's arms, anxious to get to his daddy, but she wasn't fazed. The words Sam let fall from his lips had her intrigued on what was going to fall from mines.

"The Grandparents," I said loud enough for both of them to hear. Sam immediately unwrapped my arms from around his waist as he turned around, coming to face to face with me. He then brought me in closer to his chest, locking his arms around my waist. I could smell the light liquor he had consumed mixed with the mint gum he was chewing on.

"Dominic's mom and dad? " He asked, looking into my eyes as he halted chewing on his gum. I nodded my head, making him tense up. I confirmed what I already knew, he knew. The passing of his mother and father made this statement rather obvious, and I know that hurt him to his core.

His mother's death had been something he learned to cope with over the years. She's been gone for some time now. But, Sam had a love and hate relationship with her. She walked out on him in Lauren when they were just kids—leaving papa Dean to raise them while she started a whole new family.

This hurt Sam growing up more than Lauren because he got to see all the hurt she put Dean through. All the late-night creeping and smells of musky male cologne that didn't belong to his father. He knew if he notice, Dean had to too but Dean was a man willing to make his family work by any means necessary. He acted blind to the bullshit she was throwing him.

Growing up Dean didn't have a two parent house hold himself. His mother walked out on his father, and he didn't want that for his kids. But, watching his mother parade around like some whore made Sam grow to despise her, and Dean noticed that. He couldn't allow it, so he had to let her go. He couldn't raise his children in a lying, cheating, unstable, and toxic environment. He wasn't happy in himself.

He needed his children to see what it was like to be truly loved by someone, how it felt to build with somebody who would always have your back but still tell you when you're wrong. Somebody who would love you even at your worse because your worse could never make the love they have for you vanish. Instead, make it grow stronger because that's what makes you, you, and that's the reason they love you.

"You know this might be a blessing in disguise." I said, clearing my throat as I brought my hands to his shirt, straightening out his collar. I knew saying this was going to leave a bad taste in his mouth. So, I was trying to distract him as I let the truth spill from mine.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he unwrapped his arms from around my waist, bringing them to my hands, making me halt all the fidgeting I was doing. I knew what I was going to say was going to hurt him, but he needed to hear the truth.

"You gained a family." I watched Sam suck his teeth as he rolled his eyes and turned his head. I pulled my hands from his grip and turned his face back towards me, forcing him to face the truth. "You did. Just because yours is gone. Doesn't mean you cant let them in. It doesn't replace them, Sam, and it never will. But with help and love from others. It might make life a lot easier to cope with." I watched his jaw clench together. He hated to hear it, but he needed to hear it.

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