Chapter 13

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(Narita POV)

As we walked down the road, we made light conversation about random stuff. After the brief walk, we arrived at Daichis house for the party. Apparently other teams were also there but I didn't really know specifics. We knocked on the door and it was opened to a very slightly intoxicated Oikawa.

Upon stepping in, the house music was playing and people were just generally having a good time. We both mutually decided to not drink at the party because we've seen what happens in fanfics when one of the couple gets drunk.

We hung out in the kitchen for a bit and then headed to the garden. Daichi had a pool and let me tell you, drunk teens and pools causes some very funny moments. Yaku,Lev,Hinata and Kageyama were having a water fight. I briefly made eye contact with Akaashi who appeared to be the lifeguard. He could lowkey save me from drowning any day of the week.

He could hit it for free

After almost being pushed in by a now very intoxicated Oikawa, Kinoshita and I walked back inside, snatching the bag of pretzels on our way.

We walked over to the corner and said hi to Makki and Mattsun (the four of them are friends in this, just a head canon of mine)
We chatted for a bit, spilling tea surrounding our team. Apparently Onion head and the quiet one are together now and Oikawa has a BDSM kink. Not information I ever wanted to know but good tea is good tea.

The two of them eventually started to move away into other groups so we decided to go upstairs and chill for a bit. Whenever there's a party at Daichis house, he sets up a chill room so most of the second years tend to just hang there. There tends to be a few couples here and there but it's an unspoken rule that no PDA is allowed in there.

When we walked in, we saw Yahaba in kyoutanis lap, Ennoshita and Tanaka playing Mario kart on the Wii set up in there and some people from Fukorodani who I didn't recognise. It's quite nice in there, because of the distance the music is quite faint so Its good
to just vibe there. After a while, Yahaba spoke up.
"So uhh guys there'soads of police cars outside?"
At this comment, we all got up and sure enough, police were there. People were frantic downstairs, presumably trying to hide.
'Guys do we run or just chill here?'
After a quick look around, we realised there was no way out without being caught so we all chose to just sit there and if they came, we'd explain our side.

After a few minutes, 2 of them walked in and started yelling. Tanaka seemed  to know what he was doing so he slowly stood up. He explained that we hadn't drank anything and that we hadn't done anything wrong. They proceeded to make us take a breathalyser test and, because everyone had only drank Coke all night, we were just told to leave.

On our way out, we saw a few people in police cars. We were given death glares but they fuel my ego so I'm not complaining.

As we were walking, we met up with Makki and Mattsun again and us 4, along with Enno and Tanaka decided to grab some food from the dominos near my house.

Today I learned that Ennoshita can fit 9 dough balls in his mouth at once

After we ate and stopped Ennoshita from choking, everyone headed their separate ways.
I opened Instagram and proceeded to jitter click my way through the spam that people posted at the party. Following the intense clicking session that probably made me lose about half my body fat, we arrived at my place. Ennoshita and Tanaka were able to stay the night so when we got in, I grabbed the mattress's from upstairs. Ever since Me and Kino plus  Enno and Ryu got together my job at sleepovers has been made easier since the couples just share mattress's and bedding.

Tanaka ran to the shop since it was 10 mins before closing and we needed snacks. We talked about the party. Ennoshita had got a new record of walking in on 3 different couples sinning. Still doesn't compare to my personal record of 7 last year but he's improving.

Once Ryu got back we played some Wii Party.

'"Which if you fucks picked Back Attack'"

Eventually, night came and we slowly fell asleep. It was a long day, and it just made sleep feel even better than usual.

A/N please leave ideas I'm running low🧍

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