Chapter 9

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Kinoshita POV

My eyes slowly opened as they adjusted to the light shining through the window. Lying in my arms was Narita, he looked so peaceful in the sunlight. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand on my left and snapped a photo of it, I couldn't help but smile at it. I scrolled through twitter for a while before I noticed some movement on my chest. I look up from the dank memes to notice Nari stirring awake from his slumber.

Knowing how much he hates it, my info from previous scientific research (AKA quoting it constantly and receiving numerous slaps) I wait until I know he's just about conscious of his existence.
I smirk, aware of the beating I'm about to get. I inhale, ready to announce my message.

"riSE AnD SHinE" I whisper in his ear.
'xahegebe' he shouts, activating his fight or flight instinct, leaning towards the fight side of it.
'Good morning slut,' I finish my good mornings
'What the fuck Kino I'm gonna beat your beautiful ass' he tells me sternly.
'Narita are you inciting violence!' I say in a fake voice to sound offended.
'I'm about to incite a backhand so start running you sexy pedophile.'
'That's a bit mea- AHHHH' I was rudely interrupted by Narita bear hugging me. He has a very strong grip.
'That's karma sis, anyway let's make breakfast."
'W-W-Will you make me eggs and b-bacon' I ask putting a sad expression on my face in an attempt to persuade him.
'Fine then get up'

'How the two-toned metronome, in the zone, on the phone, on your phone FUCK do you cook so good Nari.'
'I have more than 3 brain cells.'
Wow I'm offended but it is facts though.

(3rd person POV)
After breakfast the discussed what they wanted to do that day.
'Hey do you wanna head to the arcade later today, I heard they just got some new machines!' Narita told his lover while he was getting ready to hop on in to the shower.
'Oh yeah they did that didn't they.' Kino replied.
'I swear hisashi I could remind you of 9/11 and you'd say 'oH yEaH tHeY diD tHaT.'
'Wow how rude I'm offended but also proud that you know me so well.'
'Anyway I'm going in the shower now.'
'Mind if I join you... haha jk.... unless?' Kino replied as thirsty as ever.
'Yeah that's a firm no chief' The bald headed boy replied shutting the door.

(Narita POV)
I turn the shower on and wait for the water to get warm. Will they ever make showers that are just warm when you turn them on? That would be neat. As I stepped in I couldn't help but think about Kino's comment. How far am I willing to go with him. He's only my second relationship and my first with a guy so I'm not sure what to do. The only thing I'm certain about as of now is the fact that I'm waiting a bit longer for the errr.. well, intimate activities that may or may not include penetration but would I go further than making out?

It didn't slip off my mind the whole time I was in the shower. I mean I definitely love him but what if he wants to go much faster than I do? Then he gets bored of me waiting too long and dumps me. What a predicament.

Anyway I got out the shower and went into my room to change.

'Do you want me to leave or nah?' I was startled at the comment needless to say as I completely zoned out and forgot Kinoshita was even in the room at all.
"You can stay if you want, I mean we're dating and it's not like we've never changed in front of each other at volleyball so I mean... your choice."
"I'll stay then I'm lazy."

(Kinoshita POV)
God I just cant take my eyes off him. His flawless body giving me life. His defined abs and his slightly tanned skin made me want to wear him like a fursuit. His body is just so perfect. And that's only the top half. Once he's got boxers on I stare at his legs. His thighs so large and muscular. His calves so firm yet soft. And that big fat piece of ass he's got on him makes me want to eat him (out). I stand up and just embrace him. Since I was waiting for Narita to be done to shower, I was in my boxers too. His body was so warm and welcoming. He buried his face in my neck as I rubbed his back, never wanting to leave it. His chest feeling like heaven against mine. I had always dreamed of this and finally it was a reality.

We pulled away as I stepped into the shower. I had the shower on a 7 and it still wasn't as hot as Naris chest. I just couldn't stop thinking about the moment that just happened. How it felt amazing. And don't even get started on that piece of artwork that is his body. He may be on the bench a lot but damn does he use his spare time well. I'm sure anyone would love to be half as beautiful he is.

(Narita PoV)
Oh my god.
I have never felt any better in my entire life.
This...This is what love feels like, a warm feeling building up inside.
That hug if his could cure literally anything in the entire world, I physically felt all my anxieties leave my body during that. It felt like I had just hit the perfect spike, or I ate the part of a sandwich where all the pieces and fillings mix together in just the right amounts. I feel like I'm high, like that connection is making me high and now I'm addicted.

He stepped out the shower and I couldn't help but find myself staring at his features, all the moles, freckles and little spots made me admire him even more. His body making me intoxicated.

(3rd person POV)
After they both showered, changed and double checked they had everything they left Naritas house, hand in hand, careless and free as the wind whipped across their faces.

Holy fuck 1055 words. That's about twice as long as my other chapters. We all love a bit of body appreciation ayyy-boomber

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