Before I could defend myself, he pulled out of the parking space and drove away. Beth was official going to die. I started my car and drove back to the school. I pulled up the the front enterance and I saw Beth, leaning on the school, looking through her phone. As I approached, she looked up and noticed my car. She smiled, and began walking towards the car. She opened the door and plopped in. She put her seat belt on and I pulled off.

"You know what Beth, you are a terrible liar." I say to her. "What do you mean?" she says with an innocent face. " 'Oh,I have to go take a physics test' " I say, mimicking her in a high pitched voice. "What? He believed me didn't he?" she says. I snorted. "No, before he pulled out of McDondalds, he was like Beth needs to come up with a better lie." I tell her. Her jaw dropped open.

"Damn. I though I was pretty convincing." she says, shaking her head. "Apperantly not. You don't even take physics!" I say to her. "Well, he didn't know that." she says. "Whatever. Did ya'll have a good lunch date?" she says, wiggling her eyebrows. "Shut up. It wasn't a date. We were both just hungry." I say.

"If you say so." she says, in a sing song voice. "Shut up." I say, rolling my eyes.


On Saturday moring, I woke up at 11 am and I decided to get up and be productive. I got up, took a quick shower and put on a jogging suit and took a seat with my laptop on my lap. I was going to work on our project. The project was due on Tuesday and I needed to make some final touches. I opened up the project and began working.

After about an hour, I got tired of working and saved the new additions and closed out the project. I checked facebook and twitter, but there was nothing interesting going on. I then logged onto skype. I saw that Seirra was on so I decided to call her. She answered the call and we began to talk. "Hey girl." she said, answering. "Hey. Whats up?" I ask her.

"Nothing, just chilling. What about you?" she says. "Same. I was working on our project but then I got bored. What are you doing today?" I ask her. "Nothing, as of right now." she says. "Let's go somewhere." I say to her. "Where?" she asks. "I don't know. I just want to get out of the house." I say. My phone began to ring. I picked it up and saw that it was James. "Hold on." I say to Seirra before answering the call.

"Hello." I answer. "Hey. Whats up?" he says. "Nothing, how about you?" I ask. "Same. Do you have any plans?" he asks. "Well, i'm talking to Seirra right now and we we're trying to decide what we were going to do today." I tell him. "Well, what have ya'll decided?" he asks me. "Nothing yet." I say to him. "Good. My cousin bought tickets to go to the zoo today and he decided not to go anymore so he gave me his tickets. I was going to see if you wanted to come." he asks me.

"Oh, that sounds fun but," "Seirra can come too. I have 3 tickets." he says, interrupting my thoughts. "Oh, well, let me ask her." I say to him. "Okay." he says. I moved the phone away from my ear and turned to Seirra. "Do you want to go to the zoo? A friend of mine just invited us." I tell her. I knew if I told her that it was James, she wouldn't go. "Do I have to pay money?" she asks. "No." I answer. "Then yes, i'll go."  I put the phone against my ear and started to talk.

"She said she'll go. What time are we going?' I asked him. "Be ready by 1." he says. "Okay. Where are we going to meet?" I ask him. "I was going to come pick you up but it seems like you don't want me to know where you live." he says to me. "Oh no! It's just, I have to go pick up Seirra so I guessed that we'd meet somewhere." I say to him.

"Oh, well, in that case, come to my house. Be here by 1." he tells me. "Alright. Bye." I say. "Bye." he says hanging up. I put my phone down and turned to Seirra. "Be ready by 12:30." "Okay." she says. "I'm serious. I'll be outside of your house by 12:30." I say to her. Seirra has a tendencey to be late for everything. The girls and I joke around and say that she'll be late to her own funeral. 

"I understand." she says, sounding annoyed. "Don't make us late." I say to her. "Bye!" she says, rolling her eyes. I shut down my laptop and got out of bed. I looked at the time and it was 11:50am. I walked into my closet and looked around. "What should I wear?" I say to myself. My phone began to vibrate and I looked at it. It was a text message from James. I looked at the message and it was James' address. 

I had forgotten to ask for his address but thankfully, he remembered. I exited out of the text and checked the weather. It said that the high was 55. I walked back to my closet and pulled out my black skinny jeans and I pulled out a black and blue sweater. I quickly got changed and headed to the bathroom to put on some makeup. I put on a bit of eyeliner and mascara. Then I decided to wear my hair down. 

I went back to my room and began to look for my black boots. Once I found them, I decided to wear my black converses instead. We'd be walking quite a bit so I needed to wear something comfrontable. After putting on my shoes, I checked the time and it was 12:15. I grabbed my phone, keys, and purse and headed out of my house. I said a quick good bye to my parents and walked out to my car.

I quickly drove to Seirra's house and as usual, Seirra was not ready. I let myself into her house and took a seat in her bedroom. I was looking up where James lived when Seirra started changing her clothes. She put on a pair of skinny jeans with a white long sleeved t-shirt, then put her UNC Chapel Hill sweatshirt. She put on her shoes and then she was finally ready. "I should have left your ass." I said to her as we walked to my car.

She just stuck her tongue out at me. We got into the car and began to go. According to my gps, James lived about 10 minutes away. Seirra turned on the radio and I drove while we listened to some music. "Who's the friend that invited you?" she asked me. "James." I answered. "What! Why did you invite me? This would have been a date for ya'll!" she said, practically shouting at me. "I knew you'd react like this." I say to her.

"Take me back home Elena." she says to me. "No, I already told him you wanted to come."I say to her. "Elena!" I knew that if I told her it was James who called, she wouldn't have wanted to come along. For the rest of the ride, Seirra kept calling me an idiot for inviting her along. "Oh my gosh." I say out loud, as we pulled up to James' house. Seirra stopped ranting and looked at the house before us.

His house was huge! The house looked like a mansion! His house looked like it could be featured on MTV cribs. "This guy must be filthy rich." Seirra finally says. I nodded in agreement. I pulled out my phone and called James. "Hello?" he answered. "Hey. We're outside." I tell him. "Oh, okay. Umm, come on inside, I'm not ready just yet." he says to me. "Oh, alright." I say. I hang up the phone and turn to Seirra. "He wants us to come inside." I say to her. "Okay." she answered automatically.

I parked my car in the driveway and we got out of my car. We walked up to the front door and I rung the bell. Almost immediately, James opened the door. "Hey. Come on in." he says. "Hey." we both say, and then we walked in. My jaw almost dropped. The inside looked bigger than the outside. We walked in and James began walking towards the stairs. The stairway looked similiar to the stairway from the Titanic. 

"Ya'll can come up stairs and wait in the living room." he says to us while heading up the stairs. We looked at each other than followed him up. We got up stairs and he went to the left and disappearead. At the top of the stairs, there were 3 hallways. James had went through the left hallway. The second hallway contained many doors. The third hallway opened up into a big space. We decided to go through the third hallway.

We reached the big room and the room contained a gaint couch that could fit 10 people, 5 bean bags, a gaint flatscreen TV that was turned on to MTV, and a whole bunch of gaming devices. We took a seat on the couch and waited. "Wow. I'm officially moving here." Seirra says. "This is crazy huge." I say. "Elena, you need to win that bet because I would love to come hang out here at your boyfriends house." she says to me. "Shut up Seirra." I say to her, rolling my eyes a little. 

"Okay. I'm ready." James says to us, startling me."Alright." I say getting up. "James, your house is freaking amazing." Seirra says to him. "Thanks." he says, smiling at her. 

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