Chapter 3

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Oh my gosh Beth. I'm going to kill you I texted Beth when I got to class. Beth decided not to come to school today because she doesn't feel good, which means that I would have to work on our project by myself afterschool. I got to class at 8, right before the bell, and took a seat. I got out my stuff and prepared for a lonely class. After our warm up, Ms.Summers gave us an activity and let us work either independently or in partners. Since Beth was not here, I decided to work by myself. 

Halfway through the 5th question, James plops into Beth's empty seat. "Hey." he says to me. "Hello." I say back. "Where's Beth? Your partner in crime?" he asks me. "She said she didn't feel good." I answer. "Oh, well, I hope she feels better." he says. I simply smiled. "So, would you mind if I took her place for now?" he asks me. "No, we can work together." I say to him. "Good, cause I need help with number 4." he says, smiling at me. 

After working on our project for almost 2 weeks, I felt more comfrontable around James. I even began to start cracking jokes and insults. Together, as partners, we finished our worksheet within 30 minutes. Then, we decided to head to the media center to continue working on our project. We got a pass from Ms.Summers, and we headed to the media center. We got to the media center and we took a seat at a computer at the other end of the media center. We each logged onto a computer and we both began working. We silently worked for about 20 minutes before James decided it was time for a break. 

James decided it would be fun to start throwing little paper balls at me. "James! What are you doing?" I said to him, after he hit me in the head with a ball. "Having fun. I wanted to take a break." he says, throwing more balls. "Well, do you need to throw papers at me to have fun?" I ask him. "No, but I want you to react," he says, "I want to see you retailiate." "And if I don't?" I say, questioning him. "Well, I got a whole bunch of paper that I don't need anymore." "Okay. but let me just say, I have awesome aim." I say, completely lieing. I picked up a ball and threw it back at James. The ball didn't even come close to him.

"Wow. Your aim sucks!" he says throwing 4 more balls at me. I grabbed the 4 balls and began throwing them back at him. Only 2 of the 4 balls actually hit him. Before we knew it, I moved down a few chairs, and we began to play a paper ball game. We had our folders as protection and we began to battle. Our small paper balls started to become bigger and bigger. And my aim got better and better. Each time he threw one at my head, I was able to throw one back and hit him in the head. 

"Your aim has gotten better!" James says to me. "I told you I have awesome aim." I say, throwing a ball that hit's him right in the middle of the forehead. Pretty soon, I began winning this battle. I had most of the balls on my side and James had almost nothing. "Okay okay. I give up. I quit. You win." James says, surrendering. Cautiously, I returned to my seat beside him. "Truce?" he says, putting his hand out. "Truce."  I say, shaking his hand.

"We should clean up this mess before the librarian kicks us out and tells Ms.Summers." I say. Unfortuantly, I said that too late because the librarian, Ms.Smith, walked by and saw the mess. "You two! What were you doing? What is this mess! This is a library! This place should be treated with care and respect. There shouldn't be any kind of litter in here. What are your names? I'm going to write you two up!" Ms.Smith yelled at us. "Oh no! Please! Ms.Smith, we're sorry. We'll get it cleaned up right away! Please don't write us up. It was an accident." I say to Ms.Smith. "Yeah, it was an accident. My bookbag fell and everything came out. It was my fault." James says to Ms.Smith.

Ms.Smith looks from me to James and then back to me. "Clean this up right now and come to the main desk. We will talk about your punishment there." she says, walking away from us. I didn't hesitate to get on the floor and begin cleaning. James and I began to clean up the mess we made. "Look what you did. Look at this mess." I say to James. "It's not all my fault. You were playing too!" James says back to me. I stuck out my tongue at him and he responded by sticking his tongue out at me. 

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