Chapter 5

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"Are you hungry?" James asked me, letting go of my hand. "Yeah." I answer. "Want to go to McDonalds? I'm hungry too." he says. "What about Beth?" I ask. "She said she'll call right?" he says. "Yeah." I say. We cleaned up our area and we left the classroom. We walked to the student parking lot and we decided to drive seperately to McDonalds.

We both drove to McDonalds and parked besides each other. We got out of our cars and walked towards the door. Before I could reach over and open the door, James opened the door and said "Ladies first." "I see that chivalry has not yet died." I say to him. James smiled. We walked in and ordered our food and we took a seat at a table. He sat across from me and we began to eat.

"So, tell me about yourself." James says, between mouthfuls. "Well, what do you want to know?" I ask. "Um, where were you born?" he asks. "I was born in Armenia, hence why I get told that I look like the Karsdashians." I tell him. "Oh really? Thats cool. When did you move to the United States?" he asks. "My family and I moved here when I was six. I haven't been back to Armenia since then though. I pratically was raised here. I'm like a full fledged American, minus the fact that I can't run for president." I say. "What about you?" I ask. 

"I can run for president." he says with a smirk. "Thats not what I was asking." I say, rolling my eyes. "I know. I was just messing with you. I was born in Florida, and we moved to Clinton when I was 5, thats not nearly as interesting as your life." he says. "Do you have any siblings?" I ask, even though I already knew the answer. I might have stalked him on twitter.

"I have two younger brothers." he says. "No sisters?" I ask. "Nope, and thank goodness too." he says smiling. "Why? Whats wrong with girls?" I say, smiling back. "Girls are too girly." he says. "I wonder why." I say sarcasticly, earning a chuckle from James. "How long have you known Beth?" he asks. "I've known her, and the other girls, since 6th grade, so it's been a while." I say.

"Who are the other girls?" he asks. "Well, theres Seirra, Megan, and Isabella. I've known then all since 6th grade." I say. "Thats nice. Ya'll have like your own little clique." he says. I nodded. "And it's gotten bigger since then. Megan's boyfriend Kevin and Isabella's boyfriend Kyle, are apart of the clique now." I tell him. "What about Seirra and Beth's boyfriends? Did ya'll banish them?" he asks, jokingly. "No, they don't have boyfriends." I answer him. "Oh. Well, speaking of boyfriends, wouldn't your boyfriend be upset about this bet?" he asks, looking at me.

"I wish," I snort, "I don't have a boyfriend." "Really? How can someone as pretty as you not have a boyfriend?" he says to me, causing me to blush and look away. "Thanks." I simply say. Before he could continue interagating me, my phone began to ring. I took it out and answered it. "Hello." I answer. "Hey. Where are ya'll?" Beth asks. "Oh, you're done?" I ask. "Yeah. I came back to Ms.Summer's class but ya'll aren't here." she says, stating the obvious. "We're at McDonalds. I'll be there in like 2 minutes. Wait for me in the front of the building." I say to her. "I leave ya'll for an hour and ya'll are already went out for lunch. I should leave ya'll alone more often." she says with an amused tone.

"Shut up Beth. I got a bone to pick with you anyways." I say to her before hanging up. "Time for me to go." I say to James. "Alright. I should probably get home too." he says. We pick up our trays and go dump everything into the trash. With our drinks in hand, we walk outside to our cars. "We'll hang out this weekend?" James asks me. "Yeah, sure." I answer, absentmindedly. "Bye Elena." he says. "Bye James." I say to him. 

We both walked to our cars and unlocked our doors. I quickly got into my car and put on my seat belt. Then I heard James beep his horn and I look over into his car. He had his window down and was signaling to me to open mines. I brought my window down and said to him, "What?" "Tell Beth to come up with a better lie next time." he says, winking at me. My jaw dropped open. He even knew that Beth was lieing. How embarrasing! I hope he didn't think that we planned this out.

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