Chapter 27

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The week after prom was complete sheer bliss. James and I spent almost every waking hour together, except for today. “Where’s lover boy?” Sierra asked me. “I don’t know. I text him this morning and he was just like, I’m busy and I’ll see you later.” I answered, pulling out my phone to check for any messages. “What do you think he’s doing?” Beth asked. “I have no idea. It must be important if he’s missing school though.” 

It was Friday afternoon and we were all sitting around the table chilling. Everyone except for Sierra and I had their significant other with them. “Speaking of the devil.” I said when a message from James came in. Be ready at 7pm. Go home and wear something nice, preferably the clothes in the box, the message said. “What box?” Beth said. “I don’t know.” I said, smiling to myself. What box? I asked him. You’ll see when you get home : ) He replied quickly. I sent him another message but he didn’t answer.

“What if he proposes to you?” Sierra asked me. A blush crept onto my cheeks. “I hope not, it’s too early for that.” I answered. “But would you say yes if he did?” Megan asked. “I don’t know. Maybe.” I answered truthfully. “AWWWW.” They all cooed. At that moment, the bell rang and we had to head back to class. 

“You know, if I were you, I’d skip the rest of the day and go home to see what’s in the box.” Sierra suggested before walking towards her class. As I began walking to class, I began to ponder on what I should do. I really wanted to know what was in the box but I didn’t really want to leave school since we’re doing an experiment in 7th period. I sighed to myself and walked into my AP chemistry class. I took my seat but my mind was in a different world.


“I should have left like you said Sierra.” I said as we were walking towards my car. “Is that why your hand is all bandaged up?” she asked me. “Yeah. I picked up a hot beaker without a hot hand on. All I thought about was the damn box.” I answered, unlocking my car. “Can we come to your house to see what it is?!?!” Megan exclaimed. “Sure, if ya’ll really want to.” I answered. “Duh, is that even a question! I’ve been thinking about that damn box too!” Sierra responded. 

We entered the car and I pulled out of the student parking lot. “Lunch first?” I asked. “If you can wait that long.” Beth answered. I decided my hunger was overpowering my curiosity and drove to the nearest Olive Garden. We piled out of my car and walked into the restaurant. We took our seats and ordered our food. The entire time at lunch, I couldn’t get my mind off of that damn box. “Dessert?” Beth asked. “Can you get it to-go?” I asked. I was ready to get home. It was already 5:30 and I was anxious now. 

“Sure.” Beth said, laughing at my anxiousness. We all ordered dessert to-go and as soon as they came, we left money for our bill and left the restaurant. When I pulled into my house, I didn’t even lock my car doors before I took off running to my room. I even dropped my keys when I was trying to unlock the front door. Since both my parents were at work, I didn’t have anyone to say hi to so I ran to my room and threw the door open.

When I looked into my room, I saw rose petals on the ground leading up to my bed, where the box was sitting with a big bouquet of flowers on top. “Oh my gosh!” Sierra said, looking into the room from behind me. I slowly walked into the room smiling. I slowly walked towards the flowers and picked them up and looked at them. “These are so pretty.” I said, placing it on the bed, next to the box. I was debating on how to open the box when Sierra grabbed the box and literally tore through the wrapping covering the box.

“Sierra!!” I said, snatching the box away from her. “Girl, he went to Nordstrom.” she said, looking at the name on the box. I placed the box on the bed and opened it. Inside, I found silver stilettos sitting on top of a sky blue fabric that seemed as if it was a dress. I took out the shoes and examined them. They were my size. I placed it on the bed and pulled out the fabric. The fabric did turn out to be a dress. 

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