Chapter 9

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The next day, I was awakened by a phone call. "Hello?" I answer. "Were you still sleeping?" the other person asks. "Yes." I answer. "Oh, well, call me back when you wake up." the other person says hanging up. I looked at the caller id and it was Seirra who called me. I turned over and snuggled into the pillow. I opened my eyes and looked around.What the hell? Where am I?I say to myself. It takes me a few minutes but I recognize where I am.

I am sleeping in James' bed after helping him clean last night. I remember watching a movie and then falling asleep. I lifted off the bed and looked around. James was not in the room. I looked at the time and it was 2 pm. I slept in! I got up and used the bathroom. When I finished, I headed to the lving room upstairs to look for James. He wasn't there. I headed downstairs and looked for him in the kitchen and the other living room. I still couldn't find him. In another attempt, I went to the gameroom downstairs.

I looked around and found James at the pool. I opened the door and walked into the pool area. The smell of chlorine hit me, causing me to cringe at the strong scent. James was doing laps in the pool. I leaned against the door and watched him. When he reached the edge of the pool and stood up, he noticed me. "Morning Sleppyhead." he says, getting out of the pool.

"Morning." I say back. "Do you always swim in the mornings?" I ask him. "Sometimes." he says walking up to me. "Oh. Did you finish cleaning? The house looks normal again." I ask him. "Yeah. I woke at 10 and kept on cleaning. I even vacummed. You were out cold." he informs me. "I was tired." I simply reply. "I could tell." he says, walking past me to his towel.

"What would you do if I threw you into the pool?" he asks, his eyes gleaming. "I'd be upset." I tell him. He thought over my response and began to walk towards me. "James! I swear to go if you throw me into the pool." I threaten. I tried to open the door but James quickly slammed it shut. I let go of the handle and started backing up. "James!" I shout, trying to get away from him

He had an evil grin on. Before I knew it, he was chasing me around the pool. I tried so hard to run from him but I was still disorientated from sleeping too much. James grabbed me and pulled me into a big bear hug. "James! If you throw me into the pool, theres going to be....." I didn't even get to finish my sentence before James threw me in.

"James!" I shouted when I returned to the surface of the water. I scowled at him and he began to laugh. He jumped in and did a cannonball, spraying me in my face. He resurfaced and looked at me. "James, you are in big trouble." I say to him. He smirked at me and then proceeded to do a back float. I swam to him and pushed him underwater.

That was a bad idea. James grabbed my leg underwater and pulled me down. We wrestled underwater and then finally resurfaced. I swam to the pool edge and glared at James. He was smirking. He swam towards me and put his arms on the wall behind me. I stood up and looked down on him. He stood up, causing me to look up at him, and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Are you mad?' he says, not smiling anymore.How could I be mad at him? "No." I sighed. "What are your plans for today?" he asks me. "Nothing. I was going to hang with the girls today." I tell him. He hasn't moved so I continue looking up at him. "Spend the day with me." he says. "O-Okay." I stutter. Having him so close to me has this affect on me. "Do you have clothes in your car?" he asks me. "Yeah." I answer. "I'll go get them." he says, still not moving.

We stand like that for a while before James finally moved away. I watched him as he swam away and followed him out. I looked down and realized that my shirt was white. You could see my lime green bra through my shirt. James turned to give me a towel and glanced at my chest. "Sorry. I forgot that your shirt was white." he say, blushing a bit.

I take the towel from him and wrap myself. "Where are your keys?" he asks me, drying himself off with his towel. "There upstairs in your room." I tell him. He sighs. "All the way up there? I'll go get them." he says, sighing. He opened the door for me and ushered me upstairs. I waited for him by the doors while he got my keys. He got my keys and came back downstairs. "My bag is in the trunk." I tell him as he heads to my car.

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