chapter 22

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after that I was in my school all of my friends were turned into
vampires and zombies.
I was so afraid. Soon I snapped out of it. I soon came back to the
real world I slowly opened my eyes. My eyes were heated with
the attack of the zombies.
Then I remembered everything thank goodness I didn’t erase my
I saw somebody he was standing right next to me.
“Hey bro! How are ya?”
“I thought it will take more time to you to wake up”
“what happened?”
“What happened is you fell down from a portal to this place.”
“This is a monster wasteland I have been fighting this monsters
for a whole day. “You must be hungry right? Catch,”
He threw me some kind of canned food.
“So what are you doing here anyway?”
“The gods have turned evil and they held a contest to find the
best warrior to be the lieutenant of Augus.”
“Oh he took over the world huh?” How did you know?”
“I know because Augus is my grandfather but don’t freak out, I’m
a good guy I opposed his plans so he locked me up in another
“didn’t you try to escape?”
“Or I tried all right; I’m trapped here for more than three years or
around. But he gives me food, not him but his servant’s send me
water and food”
“by the way you got unconscious because of loss of water I can’t
believe a son of Poseidon go unconscious without water” “how
did you know?”
Because that’s my power and after you die I’m going to born as
you? What? Nothing, please tell me! All right I tell you and I can
see the future all right but it’s not clear my grandfather has
changed the entire future he has the ability to manipulate
anything I mean anything including the future and the past. Augus
was destroyed by Uranus you never thought about the saying?
“When there is good there is evil?”
“Yeah so Uranus was like the first good guy right so where is the
evil?” “They hid one story from every god they believe that Augustus is a
fusion of Gaia and Cronus right?”
“Yeah we thought the same the oracle said so,”
“I told you he can manipulate anything.”
He was destroyed by Uranus. But after millions of years he was
able to travel to the future.
”that’s the most dangerous part of darkness”
“if we even destroy Augus after few million years he will be back”
“by that time the minor versions of him will orbit the earth that
continues on and on nothing will stop them”
the all-powerful mighty god Uranus also defeated him because of
his luck. “He used all the strength remaining in his body to defeat
him he even took the help of Gaia.”
“So it will kinda be impossible to beat him.”
“But you guys have one chance to escape from this madness the
only good side of this is he has to let go twenty five per cent of his
strength every time he get banished.”
“So now he only has fifty per cent of his power so that means you
have a chance to beat him.” “But first we have to get out of this cave prison.”
“Yeah so Poseidon kid I guess you’re not just the kid of Poseidon.”
“Yeah you know it.”
He laughed.
“So what is your name Kid I’m Alex what’s your name bro?”
“I’m Deathstroke”
“That’s the name I gave myself because we never get a name.”
“Deathstroke? That’s a cool name;”
“thanks but first got any ideas to escape this death trap?”
No not a clue, so we have lot of work ahead of us right? Yeah, let’s
go! Yeah I soon told him about the communicator. That’s a m

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