capture the flag goes wrong

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we could make an auto bomb launcher to destroy monsters on
the spot, and make it the way we can increase the power of the
bomb according to the size of the monster, hey Ace do you mind
if I ask something?
No, ask, Ace do you know what happening out there, yeah Nico
told me about them,
and I got some rumors to. Augus have already got control over the
gods I mean all the gods not just Greek Ace there going to destroy us,
one day or another they will destroy us Ace, that’s what I was
thinking about, I didn’t tell anyone about this,
“Ace I’m scared.
Tears flowed down his eyes rapidly.
“Leo I have to tell you something too, I hope you don’t tell
“Leo my name is not Ace I’m Alex,”
“Alex Jackson half-brother of Percy Jackson”.
“Why didn’t you tell anybody Ace...? I mean Alex?”
“I heard my mother’s voice in my head to not to tell anyone.”
“Yeah, you did the right thing in these problems, If Percy new you
were his original brother he would go bonkers”
“yeah I guess so”
let’s all forget about this Alex and don’t worry I know to keep a
“He smiled his gentle smile and left.”
I left the place too when I was walking back to my cabin I saw the
others paying volleyball, “Hey guys, shall I join you?”
“Yeah sure, Ace joints my team.”
“All right Percy,
I smiled and headed towards the volleyball court. We played
happily, when we were playing frank fell down and the others
I laughed till tears come out of my eyes. Then Chiron called us for
a feast, we entered the big house with bit of suspicion because
Chiron never gives us a feast.
Chiron welcomed us briefly,
“So Chiron why are you giving us a feast?”
“Because you guys heroism,”
“you retrieve the magical
We enjoyed it very much it had all kinds of sweets chocolate,
candy, cakes, buns and other sweets I never seen in my life. After
that we played volleyball for a long time I accidently kicked the
ball towards the sea.
“Percy ran towards the sea,”
“what are you going to do?”

Alex Jackson And The Mixed DemigodWhere stories live. Discover now