chapter 8

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I replied without hesitation. Now let’s divide them. Clarrise, Jack,
Alicia, Will, and Clovis
you’re the strongest of us all so you should distract them by
taking their attention on you ok? Percy, Ace, Leo, Nico and I are
the group two. All the other archers are in group three, got it?
Yeah, Annabeth let’s roll!
We heard Chiron’s voice from the speakers. “Are you ready
campers for the first night capture the fag contest?” there was a
big loud scream saying that there ready. The game starts now!
The game began. Team one ran straight towards the enemies for
a reason Percy was pulled with them towards the battle field.
Percy. Stop I yelled at him, but there was no reply. I heard a small
noise like a buzz of a bug when I turn other side it was no use. The
arrow was too fast and to near.
I stood there motionless till the arrow hit me in the shoulder. That
was the shoulder that already was damaged.
Blood dripped nonstop from the shoulder. I couldn’t even look at
it, I just glanced at it and blood sprayed from my shoulder to my
face. I couldn’t do anything. There weren’t any medics nearby. I knew a bit about medical herbs because of my mom. I got some
leaves I remember and bandaged my wound with it.

Alex Jackson And The Mixed DemigodWhere stories live. Discover now