"Remember the talk we had about secret identities?"


"If you're staying with us, we need a name for you. Something by which we can call you while on civil garb, and also to introduce you to other people."

"She's right." Clark looked at him. "You need a name."

He honestly didn't understand why he needed a name, but he just shrugged and let them had their way. Madine was finishing her breakfast when she started pouring out randomly a few 'human names'.


Superboy just frowned. Clark too.






Clark made a annoyed face at that one. "Very funny, Madine."

"How about Richard?"

"Madine..." Clark's voice had a warning tone in it, that made Superboy even more confused.

Madine only chuckled, getting up from her chair.

"Well, you think about one, then. I'm almost late. I'll try think about some cool names at school."

"You should think about studying at school." Clark scolded.

"I'm multitasking!" she said laughing, while going to her room.

Clark shook his head, smiling.

"She always has an answer for everything." he said.

Superboy nodded. "Yeah, I'm noticing that."

Clark smiled and started cleaning up the kitchen, and Superboy helped. They did everything in silence, occasionally smiling to each other, but nothing else. If felt good, for Superboy. It was like he really belonged, which was something that he was still starting to get used to.

Madine appeared at the doorway, with her backpack and books and smiled for them.

"I'm going. I'll see you two later."

She went to Superboy and gave him a hug, leaving him with his cheeks burning for some reason. She did the same with her father, who also gave her a kiss on the top of her head.

"Have a good day, sweetie. We'll see you later."

She waved, and soon she was out of the house, and Superboy was alone with Clark. Not for much longer, though, as he went to save some people, and then came back and took a shower, going to work soon after that.

"Here's the key. I'll let the doorman know about you so you can get in and out of the building with no problems. If you need anything, just call for me, and I'll come meet you." he said, seemingly nervous. "Is it really okay for you to be alone all day?"

He shrugged. "Sure. I'll be fine."

Clark seemed discontent about that, but left it at that.

"Okay... Call for me if you need anything." He gave him a quick hug, that left Superboy with his cheeks burning again. "You can research for names at the internet. If you like any, you tell us when we're here."

He nodded, and Clark said goodbye again and went through the door, dressed in a plain gray suit and his glasses. Superboy sighed and moved to the couch, sitting on it and looking around him.

The clock said it was 8:36, and Madine said she wouldn't be at home before four. He had a lot of time in his hands, and no idea of what to do with it.

After some internal debate, he decided he would use the computer Madine had shown him yesterday to learn more about names, if they were so interested in giving him one, he at least could learn why that was so important.


Turned out names were really important. Superboy learned quickly on his research that names give you a meaning, an identity, something that other people can know you by. He also learned that when parents are about to give their children names, they want to give names because with that they can call the child theirs, can show the world that they love the kid, just by naming him or her.

His chest got fuzzy when he read about the sense of love and belonging that a name could bring to someone. Until that point, he didn't think he needed another name – if only to keep his Superboy persona a secret, as Madine had said yesterday. But after reading about all that... He couldn't help wanting one.

And if Clark and Madine were determined to give him a name, he sure as hell wouldn't stop them now.

Not now that he knew what that meant.


He ended up spending the whole day at home, researching useful social knowledge on the internet, and watching the news, seeing more than once Superman's feats. It always brought a smile to his lips, seeing his DNA donor doing that. And knowing that soon, he would be doing that too... Helping people, like the real heroes.

Madine got home by four, as she had promised, and soon started talking about school and asking Superboy what he did all day.

"You didn't go out?"

He shrugged.

"Didn't want to go out alone. I wouldn't know what to do around the city."

She nodded, understanding in his eyes. Then, her eyes lit up with joy.

"Did you learned more about names?"

"Yes... And I... I guess I understand now why you want to give me one."

Madine smiled and hugged him. He hugged her back, starting to get used to her behavior.

"I'm glad to hear that. I've been thinking of another names."

"Which ones?"

"Tell me if you like any of them, got it?"

He nodded, the feeling in his chest starting to make his heart tremble a little.

"How about Gustav?"

He grimaced.


He shook his head.







He looked at her suddenly.

"You like Conner?" she seemed hopeful.

"I... I think so."

"Conner Kent..." she tested the name on her lips and then smiled brightly. "It sounds really nice."

Superboy felt his cheeks burning, and smiled and nodded to Madine.

"Then it's settled! It's going to be Conner. Can't wait until dad gets home to tell him!" she shrieked and hugged him again, and he couldn't help but smile and laugh with her.

Conner Kent.

It was a very good name.

And the fact that he had their last name, made him feel even more like family. Like now what they talked the previous day was official: he would never be alone anymore.

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