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Knox's pov

In all honesty, I wasn't really sure why I invited Annie with me to Liam's house. Besides just wanting her around, there wasn't any real reason I had her come along. If anything, I probably shouldn't have invited her. Although Liam and Sean are my friends, they're not exactly the kind of people I would expect Annie to want to spend time with.

When I texted her this morning, I hadn't really given it more than a split second thought.

Not that I regretted it. Having her cuddled into my side was something I was more than happy to experience, but the second Liam and Sean laid eyes on her, a deep possessiveness came washing over me.

Possessiveness was something I'd struggled with since I was a toddler. But, it never usually transcended the little things. I mean I'd had girlfriends in the past but none of them made me feel this primal desire to possess or control them.

In fact, I didn't like to think of myself as controlling at all. I prided myself on not giving a fuck. Maybe that's why none of my relationships lasted very long.

Annie, though, was making these vices rear their ugly heads right in my direction. And she wasn't even my girlfriend. Well, not technically. She was mine, though. Even if she didn't know it yet.

Regardless, I needed to not let this ache to possess her control me. Annie is a real person, a sweet girl, a kind soul. I may desire her with every fiber of my being but that didn't mean I could go about controlling her. No, I wouldn't direct her decisions by any means. Nor do I have any desire to restrict her life.

All I want is for her to be mine, to own her thoughts just as much as her body. And I couldn't really see what was so wrong with that.

Annie's pov

My leg bounced the entire ride to school like usual. Even if I was starting to make a bit of progress, especially in terms of making it through the school day, I wasn't sure if it was something I'd ever truly get used to. It certainly didn't feel any easier.

I tugged on the ends of my forrest green sweater, smoothed out my black skirt, and fiddled with my headband before repeating the entire process again. I couldn't get my self to stop moving, to sit still.

Visions of the day before continued to flash through my mind. Liam and Sean had been unexpected acquaintances and certainly weren't my favorite people, but I was grateful that Knox wanted to give me a glimpse into his world. Maybe his choice of friends should have had me rethinking how much I thought I knew Knox but people are allowed to be multidimensional. If he wants to have friends like them, that didn't mean he couldn't also have a friend like me.

Getting out of the car, I bid Serena a 'goodbye' before making my way up the front steps. My breath hitched as my eyes met Knox's. He sat on the bench, reclining lazily. Maybe it was vain of me to assume he was just waiting for my arrival, but I only felt validated as he started to stand up at me approaching.

"C'mere pretty girl." Knox said, holding out his hand to me.

I gladly accepted it, far more comfortable with the feel of his calloused hands against mine.

"Hi." I squeaked out, a bit dazed as I looked up at him.

I stayed silent by his side as Knox led me through the hallway, not yet busy with students as it was still too early for class. My eyes only widened as Liam and Sean came into view, bickering as they stood leaning against the locker Knox was directly headed for.

Knox released my hand, instead using it to input his locker combination and sift through his stuff. An underlying panic bubbled within me at the loss of contact. I tried gulping it down as I stepped closer to hook my finger through one of his belt loops.

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